3.14.06 - Our interview with the CMA Board

This is a shot of us with Ron Stokes outside the new office for CMA in Chattanooga, TN |

Emily inside Ron's office |

Ron hard at work, notice the Bahamian Flag on the wall behind him |

The Stokes family, Ron and Bonnie, and Emily and I just inside CrackerBarrel. They treated us to brunch just before our plane left back for Dallas |

Here's the hotel we stayed at |

Emily finally got herself a pink cowboy hat, just like she's wanted. Now she's an offical TEXAN - doesn't she look happy! |
We thank the Lord for the leadership and competent vision that has been given to the Caribbean Ministries Association (CMA) Board. We had the best time visiting, interviewing, and learning more about the ministry of the EBTC, and how the Lord is actively involving us in the process of this ministry.
We walked out of the airport to be greeted by Ron Stokes, the director of CMA, which would be the beginning of our time talking through the ways that the Lord has been preparing Emily and I for ministry integration with the Bible Training Center in Eleuthera. We got to see the new office building CMA is operating out of, and it was encouraging to observe how, just like on the construction of the Training Center, little by little the ministry of Eleuthera is growing and expanding.
After dropping our bags off at the hotel, we made our way to the church to meet with the rest of the board. I had met almost all of the members in the past, and it was a pleasure to not only meet the new ones but also to see familiar faces as well.
One of the board members was Dave Hawkins. Dave and his wife Vicki have been in process of raising support to serve as the ministry directors on the island, and I had heard lots about Dave but I had never had the pleasure of meeting him. He along with the rest of the board spent around 2 hours asking Emily and I very significant and pertinent questions regarding our desire for missions, our vision for how we fit the ministry, and many other questions that allowed us to share with them all our heart and desire to serve the Lord in Eleuthera. We enjoyed getting to know them better and their willingness to learn about us and how he Lord has been directing and shaping our lives.
I was so thankful to see the various men and women that the Lord chosen to lead the ministry, and they were a real encouragement to Emily and I. The Training Center is a very dynamic ministry and the future will hold exciting opportunities for discipleship and ministry focused not only on church leaders but also geared to target those who will become the future church leaders: the youth of the island.
Our meeting was very profitable, and we gleaned much insight for advancing to the next step in the missionary process, which will be raising support. Upon acceptance from the board we will begin looking to various churches and those who have been on our prayer list to ask them to prayerfully consider funding our work and ministry in Eleuthera. Where the Lord leads He always provides, and it is our challenge to step out by faith and trust Him to not only give us the desire to serve but also to encourage the hearts of those who would send and support us as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our journey, and for your prayers as the Lord leads us. We are very thankful to have been given the opportunity to even take these steps towards serving our Lord in the training and discipleship of those working for His Kingdom. Please prayerfully consider how you too may continue to partner with us and may God richly bless you as you do.