10.25.06 - Frisco Bluegrass Festival
I love bluegrass. There’s just something about the innocent nature acoustic instruments, interlocking harmonies, and that high lonesome sound that makes me long for open fields and hardworking afternoons.
Lucky for me, Emily saw a sign that announced the advertisement of the Frisco Bluegrass Festival featuring Rhonda Vincent, Claire Lynch, and Ricky Skaggs. Being that these are some of my favorite pickers we just had to go.
So, after church we spent the remaining afternoon on into evening singing with the bands at Frisco’s Pizza Hut Park. Though it was uncomfortably cold (Emily was all bundled up, shameless as she is), the rhythm of the banjo kept us warm (well figuratively at least).
After the shows we even got an autograph and picture with Rhonda Vincent. Bluegrass fans are a “special” group. Made up mostly of what appear to be hicks and farmers the festival brought out the best from the suburban Frisco dweller. They simply don’t hesitate to hoot and holler, and belt out “yeeeehawwww’s.” You saw folks clapping and swaying, standing at the end of each song and applauding an encore for each performer. It was almost like being on a live set of Hee Haw.
And I never knew how funny bluegrass performers could be. I honestly should have written down more of the jokes they gave, but this is the only one I can remember right now. “I don’t know what the big deal is about football; apparently everyone is fixated on the owner of some quarter. At the beginning of the game they flip the quarter and then give it to one team, then for the rest of the game everyone keeps yelling, ‘Get the Quarter-back, get the Quarter-back.” Dry – yes I know.
We really did have a wonderful time. Bluegrass music really does put me in good spirits, and through the trials of ministry, sometimes and old gospel-bluegrass song is just what you need.
Special thanks to Robert and Natalie Newton for letting us stay with them, and giving us warm clothes!
Check out a few sound-bites from the concert, and listen for Emily singing in the background.

Rhonda Vincent singing "Kentucky Borderline"
962kb - 49sec. Recorded from my cellphone

Rhonda Vincent singing "Jolene"
659kb - 34sec. Cellphone Quality Again
Check out the artist's respective websites for more information:
Claire Lynch - markfair.com/clairelynch
Rhonda Vincent - www.nemr.net/~rhondav
Ricky Skaggs
- www.skaggsfamilyrecords.com