7.22.06 - Tim McGraw and Faith Hill

This is the American Airlines Center in Dallas TX. Wait till you see the inside! |

Emily was so excited to go to this concert, read about it on her journal page... |

Here are few creative shots of the concert itself, check out the amount of time and energy that goes into creating this stage |

Here's another shot while Faith Hill was singing |

Here's a shot from when Tim McGraw was singing |

This is us at the concert, it was such a treat to go |
Perhaps I should have titled this, “Why I love country music.” This past weekend I took Emily to the “Soul to Soul” concert with Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Amazingly, at times you could have confused what was a country concert with a 15,000 person worship center.
The event itself was spectacular. The American Airlines Center in the heart of Dallas is in itself a sight to behold. They suspend an astounding amount of speakers, cameras, light, lighting rigs, banners, screens, projectors, flat-panels, and a multitude of other entertainment devices from the center of the ceiling.
I serve as our technical director for church, which means programming light cues, instructing cameramen, and building computer cue sheets – but I cannot imagine what the person who has to program the AA Center has to go through! The show was truly over-the-top!
Then there are the performers themselves. Both Tim McGraw and Faith Hill give the impression of having it all: the looks, the talent, the fame and fortune. Yet, even from the balcony seating, they could still connect with us as performers who appreciate their fans.
The chemistry between this husband and wife duo on stage is so inspiring to watch. When they sing a love song to each other – they’re really meaning it. The show was made up of all their hits, and consistently Tim McGraw would stop singing and hold his mic to the audience as 15,000 people would finish the chorus.
Routinely, country singers will unashamedly sing about Jesus and faith, which is one reason I love country music (bluegrass music as well). My favorite moment of the night was when Faith Hill overheard a fan shout, “Sing ‘I surrender all’ for my mom.” Faith, stopped what she was doing, walked over to the fan (who had her mom on the cell phone), Faith took her phone (-right in the middle of a concert mind you) and held it at arms length and impromptu started, “All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him…” I had to sit back and just thank God that there are still places and times in America where you can proclaim the King’s name. Thank you to Tim and Faith for shamelessly singing songs that give glory to God and not themselves.
I know that this article has little to do with Eleuthera or missions, but part of our site is to share with you events worth mentioning that happen to us. So, next time your driving, turn on a country station and listen through the beer and party songs for that one which might be worthy of singing at church.