4.28.06 - Look Who Dropped In

Pete and Rachel outside of DTS. Ah, another famous landmark on their journey! |

Notice the "Alaska" liscense plate, the ol' car made it there and back again

After their restful stay at the Hilton-de-Flunkers

Right off the airplane and only 30 minutes from getting on the next

Even though it was a short visit it was still so wonderful to see Dad again - stay longer next time!

Can you tell he's happy to see his other daughter again - it has been since Christmas the last time we saw one another
This past week held some great surprises. It’s not too often that we get visitors, but in just one week we had 2 in a row… well kinda.
Late at night, completely by chance I got a call from college roommate Pete Springirth and his wife, Rachel. They were coming through Dallas on their way back to San Antonio. On a road trip straight through as many states and famous landmarks as they could uncover from the great state of Alaska, they thought it might be worth giving the Flunkers a call to see if we might have some time to catch up.
Turns out they would only be able to stay a few hours, most of which would be recovering from their all night drive from the Carolinas in Application country. But, short as it was, we had a great visit, and now that they’re closer to Dallas, perhaps we can visit more often (San Ann. is a wee bit closer than Alaska).
Just a few days later, Dad would be flying through DFW on is way back from a forestry conference in New Mexico. Because Dallas is such a major hub for airline traffic, every now and then I’ll net one of my relatives between connections.
Much like the Springirth visit, Dad only had enough time for Em and I to drive him to his next gate and then hug goodbye. But it was so great to see family again. The big city of Dallas can crowd you in after a while and seeing family is the best remedy for the big city blues. So, even in the midst of preparation for finals and craziness all around, these two short respites from the daily grind were enjoyable.
If you’re ever traveling though Dallas give us a call, or arrange your flights so that we can do lunch or at least show you around, and if you can’t we’ll make it to airport to see you anyways.