3.27.06 - Family Lands in the Big D for a spell

Kari walking out of the terminal - what a great surprise to see her again (though she probably thought it was funny that I was taking her picture right away)! |

Kari and I from inside my truck when I was taking her back to the airport |

Playing catch out in the DTS lawn |

I treated Kare to some good old cereal and milk |

Offically visiting Dallas Theological Seminary |

As long as we're brother and sister we'll always be best friends |
Maybe it was only an hour and a half, but having Kari stop by on her layover through Dallas was the highlight of my week. Months ago, my sister, Kari called and said, “Hey reserve March 27th because I’m coming to Dallas.” Well, coming to might be a stretch, it was more like plane hopping but just the same… so needless to say Kari would be in and out in a flash – ah, just like the old days!
So, I cleared my calendar, checked flight times and gates, and woke up an hour early to make sure I could beat traffic – you’d a thought I was getting ready to fly to Florida! But what else would you expect when my first blood relative, furthermore – sibling, would be flying though for an hour.
I got to the airport an hour early, (and I planned for such an event, so I brought along my trust Hebrew vocab to memorize). Finally, when my cell phone starting going crazy I knew she had landed! You must understand it was a pretty big deal to have my sister visit, we’re pretty close you know – just look through the “friends and family” section on our picture page.
We had a great visit. I took her to campus, fed her some breakfast, and we played catch on the school lawn – ah, just like the old days. I showed her out apartment and we just hung out for a while. Sometimes it so nice to just sit and talk (do I sound old?). Well, I took her to our campus book store and lo-and-behold Cedarville grads were there. And so began the never ending sports talk about my famous little sister – ah, just like those not so long ago days!
Kari brought with her Emily and my birthday presents. Though Emily’s birthday was in February, Kari wanted to save on shipping and bring her gift with her on the plane a month late – always the thrifty saver the sister of mine. Emily got bubble-bath and lotion from Kari for her belated birthday. And while she was at it, Kari gave me my birthday present ahead of time (almost 2 months ahead of time!). However, I can always count on my trendy sister to get me the best in attire. If you look closely you’ll even see my new birthday hat that I got from her that humbly declares, “ Wisconsin is Cheesier,” I couldn’t be prouder.
Alas, it was time to haul her back to the airport. I tried to give her $10 for the road, but she managed to sneak it back into my truck seat, poor as she may be. And so after a brief but wonderful visit I rounded the corner of the airport for the north exit knowing that her plane would soon be leaving the ground headed for Florida. Somehow it seemed that quick hour and a half lasted longer – I think that’s just the way it is with family… I guess the good old days are still here!