4.09.06 - Our New Worship Center is Finished… Almost

Here's the fully functional tech booth. This is only a small part of it, the Media Shout operator and one camera operator and the director - lots of wires though! |

Here I am with about a dozen of the manuals I needed to memorize - and I thought Greek and Hebrew was difficult! |

Our new Worship Center. This picture was taken on Saturday and as you can see there's still construction going on. if you look closely you'll also see one of our monitor camera screens! |

This is what my office looked like with all of the boxes for the equipment stacked up - this is one of the cleaner shots too! |

Here's my desk with stacks and stacks of literature and equipment for various ministries. First order of business when I get back: Clean My Desk
It’s been too long since I’ve had the chance to post an update. Though I’ve done many demanding jobs in my life, these past two weeks have been some of the busiest ever. And if any of my professors read this, here’s my “note from the office” as to why I’ve been missing class!
With much grace from the Lord, we as a church at First Baptist Frisco have moved into our new building from our old location; this, in an 11th hour mad dash to finish everything before the door open Sunday Morning.
My job was primarily to help make sure that our technical booth was up to snuff and to train volunteers on all the new equipment and procedural guidelines that we would be implementing. Our church has started a new Morning Ministry of Image Magnification (IMAG), so that everyone in our new “180 seating degree” worship center can see the speaker and read the words to the songs.
This means I had to learn and then teach our volunteers on three different/new video cameras, a mixing board with monitors, a PC for PowerPoint, a communication system, a switcher/scalar, a lighting system, and a remote attention system for the stage staff. I was also responsible for the installation of all our new equipment, except for the praise-band and sound board material. So basically, it was a dream job for anyone who loves techy stuff.
Construction and wiring went straight up to the wee hours before our Sunday services, and just days earlier we seriously questioned whether or not we would be able to hold worship in our new facility. But through the efforts of countless Christ-followers all working together not only had sound, video, and lights all working seamlessly, but we had a record attendance in both services!
You should have seen my office in the weeks leading up to this Sunday. We had to keep all of the new equipment somewhere, and my office was chosen as one of the most secure locations for those expensive tools. Thankfully I can now begin un-tangling and re-organizing my desk and work space.
The Lord has really blessed Emily and me to have the privilege and joy of working and serving at First Baptist during this time while we live in Texas. The staff at FBC is very encouraging and how the Lord has really provided above and beyond what we ever expected or deserve in a church family. And after one of the few 70+ hour weeks (I personally had not been home in four days – stayed over at a friends house next to church), we’re surprisingly not that burnt out! I do have an exam this Wednesday and I will have to get studying again, so I’m taking Monday off!