7.17.06 - Jehovah Jireh

This is what my desk looks like when I'm working on a paper. You should see it during an acutal semester!!! |
Just a short article to inform you about the most recent way that the Lord continues to provide for our needs. Months ago I applied for a scholarship from a foundation which gives specifically to those entering/continuing in education for the stated purpose for entering the mission field.
This past week we received an acceptance letter in the mail stating that we have been chosen to receive scholarship funding for this coming semester. I tell you this message because financial support and giving is something we essentially depend on. And you, as a supporter and friend of ours, should be encouraged to see how the Lord continually provides exactly what we need at the exact right time.
To top it off this week I also got a call from an old college roommate who said he and his wife would like to contribute to our missionary account for CMA. And if that wasn’t enough, just this past Sunday some good friends from church expressed their desire to give to the Lord through our ministry as well.
In the Old Testament, when someone was blessed by the Lord, they would hold a feast and invite all their friends and family to proclaim publicly, “Look how the Lord has answered our prayers, and see how good our God is.” Thus, we say to you: “Look how good our God is, and how He keeps answering our prayers.”
May it be an encouragement to you today to hear how our gracious God gives to his children, and may you remember the blessings He has bestowed onto you and your family, and experience the joy of His steadfast goodness.
NOTE: Jehovah Jireh is Hebrew for "the Lord, our provider"
To learn more about the scholarship foundation which supported us, visit their website at: www.harvestersscholarship.com
To learn more about how you can give to our ministry, visit our support page HERE.