9.18.06 - Mission Goal

Me and Welle, he's one of my best friends on the island - but he has never showed interest in taking any classes

This is Martin with Paul Voss in the background. Martin would make a strong leader

The second class at EBTC

The first class at EBTC in session, Paul Voss as instructor
What is the goal of the Eleuthera Bible Training Center? I find myself asking this question often, as being here in Dallas places us in somewhat of a perpetuation of intrigue since were not there yet.
Essentially, we as a staff are hoping to work ourselves out of a job. You see the goal of EBTC is to not just teach and train Bahamian church workers and pastors in Biblical Education, but to realize the goal of seeing Bahamians teach and train their own people.
Unfortunately, on our small island there just isn’t an overwhelming perception of a need for furthering higher Christian education. Even where the need is realized, often individuals are faced other barriers that prevent them from taking advantage of classes or one day teaching.
Therefore, part of our goal is vision casting and praying that the Lord would raise up individuals from with in the Bahamian culture to takeover the responsibility of managing, teaching, training, and facilitating the Training Center. The road looks feasible but wearisome, so we invite you to pray with us to that end.