4.9.06 - It’s Official! We’re Missionaries with CMA

We are so thankful to follow the Lord to Eleuthera. It has been our dream to serve as missionaries, and it's such a privledge to get to follow our dreams in ministry
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us during our preparation phase and time of applying and interviewing to one day become missionaries with the Eleuthera Bible Training Center. This past Tuesday we received the official acceptance letter from the Caribbean Ministries Association Board in Chattanooga, TN stating that we have been accepted to serve with them as full-time missionaries!
Emily and I are breathing a sigh of relief and feeling a sense of purpose as we now look to see how our future will unfold. For so long we felt like the kid sitting on the bench wanting so badly to get in the game, and now our number has been called and we’re on deck.
So, we’re turning a new page in our life, the chapter of officially working to raise all the support we need has begun. I’ve already got a speaking engagement at a church this coming May for raising support, and the two families who support us monthly are still faithfully giving to our mission.
However, we’re still at the very beginning and we’ve got a long way to go. Please continue to pray for us, that it would be the Lord’s work to raise up individuals and churches to faithfully support and pray for us. I’m currently working to finish up my second year at seminary and I’ve got at least two very intense years left. The Lord has been so very good to us, and it is our sole desire to follow His leading and bring glory to His name alone – thank you for helping us to that end.