With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



Student DTS

Astronomy POD
Dallas Traffic
Dallas Weather

FBC Mail







to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our staff as there have been some recent death's in some families

Pray for us as we begin the process of raising support

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the work of the ministry

Pray for Mono, my Bahamian friend who needs wisdom and guidance

Pray for Emily as she works her new position at Chick-fil-a this summer

Pray for CMA, and guidance as our leaders make some changes

The continued training of Bahamian students on the island of Spanish Wells

The Return of Christ



8.30.07 - "First comes love, then comes marriage..."

We have even already received Baby presents from Aunt Susan and Uncle Mike, go Wolfpack!

Thanks to our parents for sending some candids of them proudly displaying their new shirts - Emily's quilt is in the backgournd!

Grandchild #1, it's about time right!

I believe it’s time for the world to have another Flunker! That’s right, Emily is pregnant! I’m pretty sure it’s like her biggest dream come true, and her excitement is truly contagious – even if it takes a little while.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous when I first found out that we were going to have a baby. Well, not right at first – Emily was hysterical at first, I was cool. But then the concept of it’s not so much a baby as it is an entire person began to sink in, and got a little of the daddy-to-be-syndrome.

But I’m good now, and actually quite excited, yet not as excited as Emily. She went right out and bought all kinds of books on what to do/eat/think/feel/eat (and did I mention eat) when you’re pregnant. She’s super excited, which is really a lot of fun.

So we had to get creative with how we were going to tell our parents, cause we live so far away from them. So, we got online and ordered t-shirts that say, “World’s Best Grandma,” and “I’m Smiling Because I’m About to Become a Grandpa,” and we mailed them to our folks with a little note that said, “Call us when you get these!”

Emily’s mom actually called to ask if it was OK to open this package she got from us – thinking it might be an early birthday present, and Emily got to hear her scream over the phone as she got the news. I’d image that’s got to be a fun moment for a mom!

We’ve had one doctor’s appointment so far, and she said everything looks great. Emily is about 6 weeks along and everything is normal. We would sure appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby, because right along with the excitement is a tinge of nerves as we want to make sure we do everything right.

So, we’re going to have a kid. (Pause) Hmm… that’s just amazing. There’s something about it that seems surreal . It’s incredible that God has crafted us to create new life, inside of a mother. Thankfully, He gives both the baby and the parents 9 months to adjust to the new adventure.

Oh, also I shared with my class on my first day that along with my name and hometown one distinctive about me is that we’re going to have a baby, and the entire class erupted with “Awww’s” and clapping. I don’t think that will ever get old!