With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



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to CMA
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Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
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Pray for our friends and their challenges in life

Pray for us as we look towards the mission front at Freeport

Pray for us as we begin the process of raising support

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the work of the ministry

Pray for Mono, my Bahamian friend who needs wisdom and guidance

Pray for Emily as she copes with carrying a baby for 9 months

Pray for CMA, and guidance as our leaders seek the Lord's leading

The continued training of Bahamian students on the island of Spanish Wells

The Return of Christ



10.14.07 - The Lake Cabin Retreat 07

Here's what really matters!

This past weekend Emily and I traveled 2 hours east of Dallas to our small group leader’s lake cabin. The timing for our short trip couldn’t be better – or worse depending on how you look at it.

You see this upcoming week of school is the dreaded midterms, so taking a weekend off means sacrificing some key study time. Yet the recharging of your batteries at such a halfway point in the semester is exactly what the doctor ordered.

We had an absolutely great time at the cabin again. I swear that upon parking the truck and hearing the quite peacefulness of nature, every cell in by body gave out a sign of relief. It was euphoric.

We spent 2 nights, Friday and Saturday with our small group: Amy and Michael Turner, Jon and Jamie Chadwell, Jason and Heather Forgey, and Pam and Lance Gray. Saturday morning I got to cook breakfast again, we had pounds of bacon and golden French toast with orange juice and eggs to order. Then it was pretty much fishing the rest of the entire day.

I was fortunate to catch a couple of good fighting bass, while others – who tried every lure in the tackle box, got skunked. Yet, as Lance eloquently said after commenting about his job behind a computer screen all day, “Even if you don’t catch anything, just being out here is worth it.”

The Forgeys brought lunch and Amy and Michael home cooked an awesome dinner – talk about a wonderful time! I went back for 3rds!

At the end of the day, you have to look at life and determine what really matters. I’ll admit that more often than I should, I get overly concerned with the demands of work and school and it can rob me of my joy. But times like this past weekend prove to be little reminders of how wonderful the combination of friends, family, fellowship and fish can be!

You can check out last year’s post of the Lake Cabin trip HERE.