With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



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FBC Mail







to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for my upcoming trip to Chattanooga to talk with our directors

Pray for our staff as there have been some recent death's in some families

Pray for us as we begin the process of raising support

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the work of the ministry

Pray for Mono, my Bahamian friend who needs wisdom and guidance

Pray for Emily as she works her new position at Chick-fil-a this summer

Pray for CMA, and guidance as our leaders make some changes

The continued training of Bahamian students on the island of Spanish Wells

The Return of Christ



7.14.07 - Vision

A few sets of CMA guidelines that will help provide structure and protocol

This is Vickie and I. She has been confined to serving the ministry state-side for the most part, but she is still passionately interested in the Lord's work in the Caribbean.

The Hawkins were so gracious to house and feed me during my stay in TN - no so sure that Dave is thrilled about this candid.. he's hard at work... trust me!

I just finished my meeting with our CMA directors in Chattanooga TN. I was able to spend the night and following day with our friends and fellow CMA missionaries Dave and Vickie Hawkins. This has been my first visit to their house and we had some wonderful conversations about our convictions and ideas for CMA.

I presented a communication tool to our directors, which may give CMA a step in that direction by routinely hosting a virtual conference online simultaneously with all staff. This will provide a forum where all staff concerns are heard and legitimately valued.

Yet within this transition time I have great hope. I see God divinely orchestrating the right people with the right skill sets for the right positions.

As far as our potential to go to Freeport goes, we’re still praying about it. It is definitely on our hearts, and the ministry potential there is great. We trust that the Lord will clearly guide us as time goes on – you can pray for us to that end.