2.21.07 - The Crucible of Faith

This is a picture of me and Elisha. I first met Mike and Elisha teaching children's church at FBC Frisco, Mike played the guitar |
For months now, one of our friends from church has been battling life-threatening cancer. He and his wife have had to move to the east cost from Texas for treatment, and just this week his wife made a visit back to FBC Frisco.
“Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry for help come to you.” Psalms 102:1
I struggle to understand why pain and sin can infect our world, and I sometimes wonder what God thinks of our response to our limited perspective. Mike and Elisha Douglas have given their lives to serving the Lord, and yet physically they suffer.
“Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress.” 102:2a
For the first time since they left to seek treatment for this rare cancer, I got to see Elisha and talk to her about their journey. She talked about how she sees the Bible lessons of faith, love and obedience much differently now through fighting this battle with cancer.
“Turn you ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly.” 102:2b
She said that it is hard accepting the Lord’s answer to your prayers, when they don’t come as you might have expected. She said that some days trusting the Lord isn’t easy, and that doubt and Satan’s lies are a heavy burden in the midst of trial.
Yet, there was strength in her eyes. She spoke of how Mike is committed to the Lord and that he has not lost his faith. She said, “He wants to make his life count.” She said that the real question of faith isn’t whether or not your prayers get answered, but do you believe that God is still good in the midst of pain?
The Psalmist of 102 knows about pain and suffering; he cries out to God; he laments his trial before the Lord and declares, “because of my loud groaning, I am reduced to skin and bones.” Yet, he finds strength in his God and in the vehicle of suffering, as he watches his days vanish and wither, he declares, “But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”
Not all of us might suffer like Mike and Elisha have endured, but may we consider our position before the Almighty before we lay in a hospital bed. May we spend our days convinced of His goodness, and may our cries for help be presented to a God who remains the same.
We are praying for you Mike.