10.07.07 - Frisco Bluegrass Festival
Finally the long anticipated Bluegrass Festival is here… ok ok I’ll admit there’s probably not too many people interested in Bluegrass as I am – but guess who Emily got to meet?! Doyle Lawson! That’s right even Emily enjoys bluegrass.
Last year’s lineup was hard to beat, especially with Ricky Skaggs, but they put together a pretty great show. The highlight of this years festival for me was my new favorite band Cadillac Sky. They are more on the edge of contemporary bluegrass, with their roots deep in traditional heritage. I’m pretty sure I was singing every song they sang along with them. Check out a few of the audio links below.
Emily’s favorite was Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver. Doyle has been in the bluegrass business for over 45 years and his show tonight was hilarious. You’ll have to ask Emily about it sometime – they were very funny. Listen to Emily sing along with them on the last audio link below.
Rhonda Vincent made another appearance at the Frisco Bluegrass Festival. They were the last act, but it wasn’t quite like it was last year. Last year they had Josh Williams playing with them; he is an excellent bluegrass artist. She sang a lot of the old familiar songs, but my favorite had to be “You Don’t Love God If You Don’t Love Your Neighbor.” It’s an old gospel tune, kinda corny, kinda catchy, kinda true.
It was pretty hot at the festival, mid-upper 90’s, but that’s better than last year’s cold front that came through. Unfortunately, there may not even be a Bluegrass Festival next year. This year’s was extremely undersold and the producers took a huge loss, but it’s all in the spirit of supporting bluegrass.
I must say that it is an interesting crowd that gathers for a Bluegrass Festival. My sister calls it “Hick music,” I hope she’s right. Living in the big city of Dallas I could use a little “hick-ness” in my life.
FYI: These were all recoreded off of my cell phone
Thus "Cellphone" quality! |