3.16.07 - Our Foxy Friends - Kindred Spirits

Emily holding baby Tristan. Basically, spending this much time with the little Fox has given us baby-fever (as if Emily has never had that before!) |

We are looking up and discussing the Biblical stance on tatoos - Lev. 19:23ish |

Our friend, Mono, came over for dinner - here's a shot of all the men |

Back in the summer of 02, Brad and I being very manly |
This past week that we’ve been in Eleuthera has been very special for us. There are many reasons for us to rejoice upon each return to the island, but one
blessing is the fellowship we have with our colleague missionaries Brad and Alicia Fox.
The Foxes have lived in Eleuthera for almost 2 years now, and they have a collective history with the ministry which spans almost 10 years. Alicia and I went to Cedarville together, and I met Brad back in 2002 during my first summer as an intern.
It’s easy to tell that all four of us are “cut from the same cloth,” but this is only the second real time that we’ve got to spend some quality time together just as couples. We each have other friends who fit our personal likes and dislikes, but the Foxes share with us a common passion for the ministry in Eleuthera. I can’t stress how fabulous it is to have not only co-laborers who you can count on, but also friends who feel more like family.
Brad and Alicia have graciously hosted us in their basement for our weeklong stay in Eleuthera, yet we’ve had multiple nights fellowshipping past midnight. Brad and I got to hoop-it-up on the basketball court, and Alicia shared the “Mom” responsibilities with Emily as she got to rock and hold their baby boy, Tristan. “Community” on the mission field is rare and cherished, and we’re ever so thankful that the Lord has given us such wonderful friends.
You can find out more about Brad and Alicia on our CMA website HERE.