2.14.07 - Emily's Favorite Holiday

This is Arnold, the Valentine's Day Pig. He make little "oink" sounds, he was one of Emily's little presents |

Yes, I got roses. And check out my new flannel! |

These are the rest of Emily's presents for Valentine's Day, most from Kindergarten - can you see why this is one of her favorite days! |

I even vaccumed the floor, just to spruce things up - yeah, getting my points in! |
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Today is by and far one of Emily’s most favorite days. Its practically the whole reason why she loves February, well that and because of the color pink, chocolates, snow, and her birthday (on the 26th for those of you keeping track).
We didn’t do anything to extravagant to celebrate Valentine’s Day, just dinner and candles. Emily had a fun day at Kindergarten, and my Wednesdays are pretty packed with class, so we didn’t add an organized “date” on top of it. However, we’re planning on going out to celebrate on Saturday.
Emily got me 3 new flannel shirts for Valentine’s Day, I love flannel (seems wasted in Texas sometimes though). And I got her a few little things and one big surprise: a trip to Disney World! I’ve been planning it for a while, and we’re going to double it up with our second anniversary come this May (one of those 2-for-1 gifts! Ha!).
Hard to believe 2 years ago today I asked her to marry me; it actually feels like we’ve been together much longer. Well, I just wanted wish everyone else and their Valentine a Happy Valentine’s Day… and if you’re in seminary, buying your wife a new commentary does not count – go get some flowers!
Here's a Valentine's Day wish from Emily -
"We'd like to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! We love this day because we got engaged on Valentine's Day. Even if you don't have a significant other, God tells us to love one another, and He's the one that put others in our lives to love, and it's so fun to celebrate that! I'm so thankful that God gave us love that we can share with others!"
Check out Emily's Journal Entry HERE
Click HERE to see Arnold the Pig go, "Oink!"