4.19.07 - Vegas Trip

Here is the famious Vegas sign that you always see in the movies |

Emily loved this resort, it looked like a midevil castle |

Here's Luxor another famous resort |

This is a picture of another resort, it looks just like downtown NY, it even has the statue of liberty! |

Here we are at the Hoover Dam |

This is a picture of us from the Blue Man Group, they had us cover ourselves with cra-paper, very strange

Last picture of more neon lights, this was just outside a 2 story M & M store |
Surely the road to debauchery runs through Vegas! I probably shouldn’t have started that way, and more than anything it is probably my love of the country which fuels my hatred for cities. But seriously, Las Vegas gives the people everything they want!
This was Emily’s and my first trip to Las Vegas. And to the same degree that I disliked it, Emily loved it! Emily, loves the twinkling lights and fancy resorts with all the shows and sights. It’s amazing how a trip to a place like Las Vegas can bring out the many differences between married people.
My favorite part of the trip was taking our picture next to the famous “Vegas Sign,” you know the one that you see on all the movies. I also am thankful for the Las Vegas experience. There really is so much in the world that we can see and experience, and I’m thankful for having experienced it… root canals are also an interesting life experience.
Seriously, our trip to Las Vegas was not as bad as I’m making it out to be. It was most fun to see how much Emily loves the excitement of the city. We got to go to a show: the Blue Man Group, and its lighting and production were quite impressive, and Emily loved the paper (ask her and she’ll explain…).
We also took one afternoon and headed over to the Hoover Dam. I had visited it when I was younger, but it’s still huge no matter how big you are. It was also very cool to see the mountains. You forget how cool the mountains are when you don’t see them for a long time!
Back on the Las Vegas Strip, we were able to also experience the chance to purchase a “time-share” condo on the strip. We were offered a free Blue Man Group ticket if we would take a 2 hour tour of a new resort, and for that we would receive a “free ticket.” Let me tell you this… if it sounds too good to be true, it is! So, we ended up sitting through a sales presentation and tour, and then as politely as possible explained to our wonderful salesman that we can rarely afford even eating out at Olive Garden, much less purchasing a time-share! But we got our free ticket.
I think that the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true…” is #1 phrase that is forgotten in Vegas. In fact getting something for nothing is the whole premise of gambling. You’d think that the concept of getting something for nothing would transfer nicely to understanding God’s grace. Unfortunately, in our material world, it just doesn’t.
I’m thankful to have seen Vegas, and I’m thankful to be home. More than anything yet, this trip has allowed me to say that I like Dallas much more than I used to!