With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



Student DTS

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Joe and Jenna








to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our continued adjustment to living here and building relationships

Pray for CMA and that God would send us more missionaries

Remember to pray for Micah as he grows

Pray for overall saftey in travel (flying, driving)

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the classes

Pray for the current staff CMA and our overall dependence on God for guidance

The continued training of Bahamian students on the islands of Eleuthera and Freeport

The Return of Christ



2.23.09 - St. Martin

CMA has committed itself to expanding to as many countries in the Caribbean that the Lord will lead us to, and this past week Dave Hawkins and myself flew to St. Martin (or Sint Maarten for the Dutch) to host a Inductive Bible Study Method Seminar.

The trip couldn't have gone better. CMA will officially be partnering with BIM missionaries Kadesh and Stacy Jerome, who live and minister in St. Martin. This was my first time to meet this wonderful couple who have given their lives to church planting. They have 3 beautiful girls and a spunky 3 year old boy who keep them on their toes.

St. Martin is a hot spot for tourism, they have a continual stream of cruise ships coming and going. The island is also covered with mountains (something I'm not used to seeing on an island). It is a very beautiful place, with some intriguing history. Years ago the French fought the British for control over the island, and today is it is dual inhabited and owned by the French and Dutch; the border runs right down the middle of the island.

I had the privilege of preaching in the morning and evening services on Sunday before leaving early on Monday. What a spirit of worship and energy! I was happily surprised at the maturity I found in the churches I visited. They were God centered, Word devoted, and Missions focused! And boy can they take any ol' worship song and give a beat that will make you move! It was a very enjoyable experience getting to worship and find freedom to express praise in those services.

CMA met its goal for student enrollment during our trip, and we have dozens more who have expressed interest. All the brochures and bookmarks we brought were gobbled up. The people of St. Martin show a genuine devotion to learning more about Christ and an interest in pursuing Biblical Training.

As I began, the trip couldn't have been better. Whether it was the details of finding an amazing opportunity for teacher housing or watching the reception of the prospect of CMA's Bible Institute - Dave and I had our socks blessed off! We've been praying for weeks that the Lord would prepare the way before us, and we give testimony that that prayer has been answered.

Keep St. Martin in your prayers as there are still many needs and logistics to finalize as we keep pursuing the calling of bringing Biblical Training and Equipping to the Church Leaders throughout the Caribbean.