With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



Student DTS

Astronomy POD
Eleuthera Traffic
Eleuthera Weather
Joe and Jenna





to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our students, that they would retain their training and celebrate graduation

Pray for CMA and that God would send us more missionaries

Remember to pray for Micah as he grows

Pray for our staff with the many responsiblities we have

Pray for the expansion of training to the south part of Eleuthera, starting this Fall

Pray for the current staff CMA and our overall dependence on God for guidance

The continued expansion of CMA to all the islands thoughout the Caribbean

The Return of Christ


8.10.09 - Green Bay Team

After Kari's visit last April, she said "I've got to bring a team down there!" Well, that's exactly what happened. As we're winding down the summer, we just said goodbye to the Green Bay Team; 3 players from the Women's Basketball team, the coach's wife, and my sister.

This team of all gals busted it out this week; they came to work and that's exactly what happened. Each day of the week they served to help build a home for a homeless lady (Kathy) in a neighboring settlement. Not only did they get to minister physically to help build Kathy's home, but they began to forge a relationship with her, whereby at the end of the week they'd invited her to come on their R&R day and to church.

The ladies on this team were not only challenged physically, but spiritually as well. Each night they met with their Bibles open to study and pour over what the gospel means and how God is changing their lives. As their hands were busy serving, their hearts were listening to the Savior.

True to form, my sister did all possible to make the trip as full as it could be. From cave diving to beach hopping, Bible study to working in the most deprived areas, this team had a full week.

Emily and I were also blessed to build new relationship with these ladies, and they were such an encouragement to us. We are continually humbled to have the Lord bring us the right kind of people for the right kind of situations. There's just something about those northerners (to my knowledge this team was from the furthest north in the midwest ever to come to the Training Center).

Even though we never got in any games of basketball, these ladies left it all on the island. Late nights to early mornings they took off today back for the northwoods with no regrets and a headful of new experiences and a heartful of what God can do with their lives.