2.26.06 - Emily’s Surprise Birthday Party

Right after we sang "Happy Birthday to her at the Hand's house" - She just made a wish!

She actually got two cakes for her birthday! One the tradition kind, and the other is the Emily birthday tradition - Icecream Cake from Dairy Queen |

Emily and I in front of our new building at Church, we're very excited about moving in soon |

Here's just a shot of the church front. We finally have a face on Main St. - Nice landscaping too! |

Me teaching the OT class at church. |
What a busy week it has been, and not to mention a much more secretive two weeks on my part. Have you ever tried to throw a surprise birthday party? You have to make up alibis, fake plans, cover stories, and hope that none of your invited “spill the beans.” It came to me at a Sunday night service, “What a great idea it would be to invite our small group to a surprise birthday party for Emily!” And, with some major help from Garrett and Jennifer Hand, I pulled it off!
Two weeks earlier I told her that I had a small group leader meeting on the day of her birthday, just to get the fib started. Then I secretly e-mail our entire Sunday School class to get the word out. Fortunately for me she had to stay home and rest the next Sunday so I actually got to make an announcement in Sunday School without her ever knowing. Then, this Sunday while she was in my office, I again passed the word around so everyone would be informed for where the SURPRISE would occur.
It so happened that right when I was about to get her to lead her to the room where everyone was waiting to shout “HAPPY BIRTHDAY,” her Aunt called!! “A minor problem, I can work around this,” I thought. “Can you ask to call them back,” I gently suggested. She covered the receiver, “What. Why?” Not good I thought, so I stalled her a second and drifted off towards the birthday crowd. Then it came to me, “I’ll call her cell phone, then she’ll have to answer!” Brilliant!
“Hi hon, I need you to do me a really quick favor… do you see that folder on my desk labeled ‘Small Group’? Well, I forgot it and I need it for my meeting right away, can you please bring it to me quick?” And like an innocent mouse obedient to the cheese she took the bait… one second later… SURPRISE! And so goes the Surprise Party for Emily!
I taught a course covering Old Testament Survey for a Bible Study Course this Sunday night, and it went really well. I could have talked forever on Bible Study tenets, but it would have been off track and I needed to cover 39 books in 50 minutes. It was a good night, and I always love it when what I’ve prepared for is finished, like quizzes, exams, or presentations.
Now I’ve got only Monday and Tuesday to make a whole new website for a class project, write a full length commentary on a section of Ephesians, memorize two chapters of Hebrew vocab and prepare for my Hebrew quiz on Wednesday morning – along with memorizing a new paradigm, finish reading textbooks for 2 classes, and beginning the new section the class notes. All this while trying to get over strep throat! And this doesn’t even count what work I’ve got waiting for me a church!
Thanks for your prayers and phone calls, a big thank you to everyone who came to Emily’s party, she said she had the best surprise birthday ever!