September Newsletter '06


September is the month of birthdays for us: three from my side and two from Emily’s. This month has been quite a positive one, however I think all the birthdays can tend to make us a wee bit homesick. However, other than missing our families, we’ve got only good news to report.

DTS Ministry Conference

Have you ever looked at the church and thought, “I wonder how Christians did church in the beginning,” or questioned “Why don’t more people in my neighborhood come to church?” Well, recently I attended a conference at DTS that addressed these very issues. The conference was called Trends and Traps of Today’s Theology. It was incredible, and really helped me remember our purpose of proclaiming the gospel and making Christ known through our actions and lives. Check out some of the highlights HERE

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

We got a call this past week from one of our best friends on Eleuthera, Tammy Weinburger. She just wanted to chat and get the update on life in the US. It was such an encouragement to Emily and I to hear from her and feel connected to the people we hope to serve. However, it also serves as a reminder that we’ve got at least 2 years of school left before we can move to the mission field. Sometimes it is difficult to wait, but I believe that the education I’m receiving at DTS will better equip me to serve in Eleuthera. When I read about the apostle Paul’s missionary journeys in the Book of Acts, I see that his plans were often controlled by the Holy Spirit’s leading. Therefore, I have to release control of our timing as well, and fully rely on the Lord’s timing. “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

My dad used to tell me, “Keep your eye on the ball.” Sometimes ministry requires intentional focus not only on the goal, but also on the steps to reach that goal. What is there in your life that you need to trust in the Lord to determine your steps? Read more about our ministry goals HERE

Eleuthera Update

Interestingly, the Lord has led the Bible Training Center in Eleuthera (EBTC) in a different direction this semester. Because of the lack of students on Eleuthera, the Center will be holding classes on the neighboring island of Spanish Wells – where there is increased enrollment. Though the drop in enrollment is not ideal on the mainland, this will be an exciting opportunity to see how the Training Center can function semi-remotely. Please remember to pray for the ministry as we trust in the Lord’s leading, depending upon His Spirit to raise up both students and workers.

September flew by surprising fast, but was a good month. School is in full session for me, and I’m writing papers each week. Work at church is going great as well, and I’m learning more and more that ministry is about loving people. Emily started a new Bible Study with a group of women here at seminary, and I’m starting to attend an early morning men’s Bible Study with one of my good friends here at school. Kindergarten continually keeps Emily going, and she loves her new class more each day. Not too much else new, other than the car needed a new battery and the truck will need new tires soon. Thank you so much for your interest in our lives and ministry – please let us know how we can pray for you!

Prayers and Praises
Praise for continued safety on the streets of Dallas.
Praise for cooler temperatures, I just love the fall.
Praise that our God always meets all of our needs, we’re so thankful for all we’ve been given.
Praise, that a few of those who we know who’ve been struggling with cancer have had positive treatments, and hope is always present.

Please pray for the ministry of the Bible Training Center. Pray specifically for the staff, the students, and that the Lord would raise up leaders in the settlements to serve this ministry.
Pray for the Walter’s family as their plane crashed on their way to Eleuthera. This couple has been such a blessing to the Training Center, read more HERE
Pray for my ankles; they’re just not healing after sporting injuries
Continue praying for school for Emily and I both, as we look to the future, yet seek to remain faithful to the present.
Check out our answered prayer requests here: CLICK HERE.

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.