January Newsletter '07


January has been a relatively uneventful month for us. It seems that the post-holiday demands are quite similar to rest of the year. This month did see the completion of a new website and the continuation of some wonderful additions to the CMA staff.

Brand Spankin’ New Website

After almost 5 months of cropping pictures and editing code, I’ve finally finished the new Caribbean Ministries Website (I would have had it done sooner, but I’m pretty busy with school and work and all…). The new website is geared to give web-travelers the most current news from the mission front and concisely present the vision and purpose behind the ministry. There’s a prayer request page, picture pages, both student and teacher applications and a way to give financially to the ministry. You can find out about each of the missionaries that CMA manages, and even send the staff a web message. I’m pretty proud of the new site, so go check it out at www.missioncma.com.

Eleuthera Update

As I believe I’ve mentioned before, Wade Weinberger has joined the staff of CMA as the first Bahamian born missionary. It is the organization’s vision to see the Training Center on Eleuthera completely run and operated by Bahamians. The blessing Wade brings is the first step towards reaching that goal. Wade is a good friend of mine and Emily and he will be most competent in the role of Coordinator of Construction and Maintenance.

Additionally, our friends and missionaries Brad and Alicia Fox have traveled back to the island with their beautiful new baby boy, Tristan. Growing up in a foreign culture can be difficult, but rest assured that Tristan will be surrounded by those who love him. We certainly can’t wait to meet him on our upcoming trip in March, and Brad tells me that Tristan is already working on his Iverson cross-over, but he’s going to wait a little bit before developing his Peyton Manning laser, rocket arm – one sport at a time for a newborn!

Finally, classes continue for the students in fact they’ve just finished up their New Testament Survey Class. Praise the Lord that quality training is becoming accessible to these pastors who are hungry to learn.

Check out more pictures of Wade and Tristan at the CMA Missionary Page

Ministry Definitions

Ever wonder what you’re really doing for God? Can we really get rewards for giving someone a cup of cold water (Matt. 10:42). Take a moment to evaluate if you can really separate your everyday life from Christian Ministry. I had a few short thoughts on the matter, check them out HERE.

Although January has been normal in most respects we do have some significant praises to share – you can read about them below. School started back up for both Emily and I, and currently as I write this Emily is sniffling in bed with a head-cold. Emily has also received a promotion of sorts from Chick-fil-a; this summer she will be filling in as the Interim Marketing Director – a position that she is very excited about. We are thankful for another wonderful month, and sometimes normal news is plain old good news.

Prayers and Praises
Top of the list: Praise that my ankle is finally feeling healed. I seriously thought that there would be no way outside of surgery to heal my ankle. But now I’m playing basketball weekly and walking pain free – praise the Lord
Praise that this month saw our first extremely significant pay off of Cedarville school debt. We are officially well on our way to becoming debt free
Praise that Emily got a better position for her summer at Chick-fil-a
Praise for a relatively healthy month
Praise that the work in Eleuthera continues to bless the churches and Christians living there
Praise the our church is focusing on serving the community
Praise that the Foxes made it safely back to Eleuthera
…I could just go on and on!

Pray the students and teachers with CMA as they keep obedient to their calling
Pray for the weeks leading up to our trip this March as we have much to prepare for
Pray for God’s continued provision for us financially: school and credit card debt
Pray for Emily and some unique challenges she will face at Kindergarten
Pray that Emily’s cold goes away and she returns to full strength soon
Check out our answered prayer requests here: CLICK HERE.

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.