December Newsletter '08

Greetings,The Chilly Flunker Family

Well, vacation will keep things from getting done on time... and so our newsletter is just a few days late - but what a wonderful time we've had this December. This newsletter will have a "BEST OF" for 08 and our many highlights from the Holiday season.


Whoopty Do and Dickery Dock...

So very much to say for this month - so I'll just hit the highlights and let you click on them to read more:

We finished up our last class of the year right before we left the island with Pastor Dave Thompson. It was a fantastic class, and Dave's first time teaching, although he has done everything else imaginable at the Center. Then it was snowy flights home to Ohio and Wisconsin.

We had a great time with Emily's folks at their home, and there was plenty of hugs for Micah. Then up north to Wisconsin for Flunker Family Fun Day following Christmas. After some airport trouble it was off to Tennessee for CMA's first gathering of all staff for a conference retreat. Finally, back up to Ohio to kick off the New Year with Emily's family (and another session of presents under the tree).

It was a great trip, and we made the most of every day with friends and family. Checkout the pictures from our Christmas Vacation!

Dave Thompson
Flunker Family Fun Day
CMA Staff
Church Speaking
Pfeister Christmas


The BEST OF '08

In writing a year end newsletter, I just have to reflect back at the entire year and list the milestones that the Lord gave us this amazing year:

The biggest and best has to be Micah! Born last April 23rd, our lives have never been the same since! He is a constant source of joy and gratitude, and our greatest treasure on earth.

Graduation from seminary came in May, and it brought to a close over 12 years of classes and homework. I'm quite ready to take a break from school, and at the same time, I'm going through withdrawal from the structure that academia brings.
We moved the to Bahamas. This milestone has been years in the making, and it feels so great to finally be serving where we've dreamed of working.

There are at least a dozen other amazing events that we have treasured this year including a trip to Alaska with our friends Jesse and Erica, raising support for the mission field, and surviving a mini hurricane.

We are looking forward to the new year, both in getting our feet further grounded in Eleuthera and continuing to watch how God grows our little family (Micah is seriously only days from learning to walk). The Lord is continuing to expand the ministry of CMA and there are many new opportunities for training that we are working towards. Emily and I keep working to foster the relationships we've been given on the island, and we are thankful for our amazing variety of friends, both near and far. I could honestly write pages upon pages of all the exciting joys we've had on the mission field... needless to say we are quite thankful!


Prayers and Praises
Praise for a fantastic time with friends and family over the holidays
Praise for a healthy happy baby boy, who is almost walking!
Praise for good reports from the doctors visits
Praise God for our students in Eleuthera - they are a huge encouragement

Pray for continued safety in our ministry travels
Pray for the expansion of CMA and growing staff
Pray and praise for new missionaries Mike and Shannan Fastzkie
Emily says pray for Micah to get back on a schedule after all of his many travels!


Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.