February Newsletter '09


Although February was a short month, it was packed with traveling, teaching, and to-dos. This update will have birthdays, ministry expansion, and some great video links.


CMA - St. Martin Expansion

Our most exciting news from this month is my trip to the island of St. Martin with our Director of Training, Dave Hawkins. CMA's vision extends to bringing Interdenominational Bible Training to as many/all countries of the Caribbean, and establishing a Bible Institute on St. Martin is a step in that direction.

Our short trip was to determine the need and readiness for bringing the training program to the island. Dave and I were astounded to see both the reception of the program and the way in which the Lord prepared the way before us, from lodging to making the right connections, to simply revealing eager hearts for Bible Training.
Read more and see pictures:
St. Martin Bible Seminar
St. Martin Sights and Sounds


To Our Supporters

Emily and I want to take moment to say a great big "Thank you" to the many individuals who sogenerously give to the ministry each month. Whether it is through electronic giving or faithfully writing a check, we see again and again how the Lord is providing for all we need.

We also want to share with you an exciting opportunity we've had. Through your financial gifts we were able to purchase some new video equipment specifically for the Training Center. We are working to host our classes online, and in showing our gratitude we want to give you a quick sneak-peak at our training classes.

We share this with you because this online resource is an investment that will serve many many church leaders, and it couldn't have been possible without YOU and your generous giving. It is truly our prayer that when you give, it is a tangible act of worship, and we want you to see how your worship of God through giving is impacting our students and our mission - Thank YOU!
Check out the clip HERE


February is Emily's favorite month, and if you've been reading her journals you know that's more than true! Part of the reason Emily loves February is because of Valentines Day, but the rest is because it is her birthday month. We were blessed to have some of our friends pay for her to fly home to Ohio for her birthday while I was away in St. Martin!

The Training Center is busy as ever this month. Brad Fox finished up teaching our Course #8 (Day one is in the above video link), and then went on to Freeport to teach Course #6. I am preparing to teach course #9 in March, and we have hosted a team from Houston and Cedarville this month.

We have another great video of Micah to share with you, that was actually filmed at Christmas, but we've just now got it online - enjoy (I dare you not to laugh!)
VIDEO of Micah
Emily's Birthday Trip


Because you asked...
Finally we've had a few people ask about mailing addresses so here they are again:

Normal mail and care packages: Financial Support and Checks:
Ryan and/or Emily Flunker
c/o Agape Flights GHB 21192
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285
CMA US Office
P.O. Box 9161
Chattanooga, TN 37412


Prayers and Praises
Huge praise for the successful trip to St. Martin and the enthusiasm of our prospective students
Praise for safe travel for both Emily and I (she and Micah had to board 8 different flights!!! Yikes... with a 10 month old!)
Praise for CMA's new video system and the faithfulness with which the Lord provides for our needs

Please pray for CMA as we continue to follow the Lord's leading in expanding our ministry to other countries
Pray for me as I prepare and teach our Church History course
Pray for CMA and Brad and I as we expand the training on our own island (moving the classroom to the south of the island)
Keep praying for CMA's ministry on other islands especially St. Martin
Pray for more missionaries and for financial support and needs


Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.