April Newsletter '10


Have you ever felt like you had 2 months of stuff packed into 1?! Well, that was April for us. You'll find this prayerletter packed with the celebrations of Easter, a 2 year old Birthday Party, 2 visits from grandparents, and the completion of our 6th class at the Training Center.


Party Time!

We've felt like Micah has embraced the essence of the two-year-old mentality for a while now. However, now its official - he has a legitimate claim for all the loudness, independence, and dramatics that accompany being a 2 year old! But its not all bad; the older he gets the more fun he is. His party was fun; all the grandparents left presents for him, and mom made a tractor cake! And his big present was a new outdoor plastic slide, which is now his favorite toy.

Easter was also a party. We had colored eggs, and chocolates and goodies from grandma, and baskets, and a big Easter lunch. We made a Bahamian dinner with BBQ chicken, mac and cheese, and all the other Bahamian fixings! It was also a joy to celebrate the resurrection with friends and family. April brought us a few special times of celebration.

Click HERE for pictures Micah's 2 Year Old Party
Click HERE for pictures of our Easter Celebration

Grandparents Galore

April is one of our favorite months because it's when family can come down on spring break. This year was especially great because Emily's mom got to come down and visit for the first time ever. We had a wonderful time with her, going out to eat, participating in community events, and going to the beach. She spoiled Micah with love and brightened Emily's week, it was a joy to have her visit.

Then on the day we took her to the airport we picked up the Flunker Grandparents! Micah was thoroughly spoiled with attention by the end of the month, but it is worth it. Having family visit is indispensable for our hearts, and its so much fun to reconnect and let them become part of our lives and ministry here.

Karolyn Pfeister's April Visit to Eleuthera
Mark and Grace Flunker's April Visit to Eleuthera

We don't have too much to update on ourselves apart from ministry events. We finished up our class in Rock Sound called Spiritual Life with Pastor Mick Murray. He did a fantastic job simplifying the spiritual life and challenging our students with what God's Word says about our heart, mind, soul, and strength. He and his family were also huge blessings to have during their time here. Speaking of blessings we had a team from Waynesville serve this past month, and they were also a tremendous encouragement and blessing. We also moved this month, and Emily's Bible study with her girls is very encouraging. All in all it was a busy, full, crazy month, but also one in which we saw the Lord provide for all our needs. Watch for updates for this coming month - my sister Kari visits!

Click HERE for pictures and the artilce from Spiritual Life Class


Prayers and Praises

Praise for all the blessings from April in ministry
Praise for a sweet time with family
A huge praise to all those who helped us out this month
Finally a praise for the work that is going on in all of our other schools around the Caribbean

Pray for me this month as I teach our 7th course: Doctrines II
Pray for Kari's upcoming visit and our last month to see family for a while
Pray for the team from Grace Church coming down this month
Pray for boldness within our ministry to serve when its not easy, and not shy away from inviting others to know Christ


Thank you again for your support and love for us; may you find the tomb empty once again as you remember the vibrance of God's love toward His creation.

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.