October Newsletter '10


October has been a fun and full month. We began the month with our friends from Alaska, then it was finishing our 2nd class in JC, and board meeting in Eleuthera. The highlight of the month for Emily was her trip with Micah back to the US for a few weeks. Finally, we finished up another class with Brad Fox in Rock Sound and concluded with another family Halloween trip to Spanish Wells.


Family, Friends, and Fellowship

Under the circumstances, it was a sad trip due to the passing of Emily's grandmother, however the blessing in disguise was some extended time spent back home with family and friends. Micah loved being in the US, and was totally spoiled by everyone (I also think he's addicted to chicken nuggets now too).

We were also blessed this month to spend some time with my old Cedarville roommate and his wife: Jesse and Erica Frederick, with their little girl and #2 on the way. It is such a blessing to have been given friends who love and support us, and having them visit was such a special time.

Finally, anyone who has children knows the fun it can be to dress them up and take them around for trick-or-treat. On the island of Spanish Wells, the entire community gets involved (is a pretty small island) and each year we travel around with our friends with Micah in his homemade costume. This year he was a chicken!

Click HERE for pictures of Emily's Trip Home
Jesse and Erica's Trip to Eleuthera
The Halloween Chicken Suit


Ministry Nuts and Bolts

Since we've got 2 schools operating on Eleuthera there is little "down" time. The great benefit is having the privilege of being part of the continuos training that is going on. I had the joy of teaching our course #2 in JC: Spiritual Life. I raised the bar of expectations for our students and I'm thrilled to say that they excelled. The course had homework every night and some rigorous assignments in class all dealing with how we live the Christian Life.

While the students in JC are only through their 2nd course, the group in Rock Sound is nearing the finish. Brad Fox (who recently left Eleuthera to lead our school in Freeport) returned to teach our course #8: Teaching Methods. This course is designed to give the students both the methods of leading a group through expositional Bible teaching and provide an actual practicum teaching-lab whereby they get to deliver a message to be critiqued by the class (daunting right?). However, everyone did a fine job and many of the students showed significant growth in their expository skills.

Finally, we had our annual board meeting at the Training Center this month. This time Lisa Voss got to come back to the island with Paul, so it was nice to see her again. The board meeting went great, and I'm excited about the new member who were elected this year. May the Lord continue to position our ministry in His favor for His name's sake.

Click HERE to see pictures of the JC Class: Personal Spiritual Life
Click HERE to see pictures of the Rock Sound Class: Teaching Methods
Click HERE to see pictures of the Board Meeting



Well as I mentioned above it has been a very full month. We honestly only spent about 1 week together as a family throughout October, but we proven true the saying that "distance makes the heart grow fonder." Micah is fully conversing now, and has recently been bossing around our little dog Tag (he's always been sorta "in charge" of him). We're taking baby-steps on potty training and moving Micah to a "big-boy-bed," so lots of challenges (keep us in your prayers). I'm presently teaching course #9, Church History, on the island of St. Martin with Dave Hawkins. November is going to bring two more final classes to our schools in Rock Sound and JC, so we're preparing for another busy month right before and during the holidays.


Prayers and Praises

Praise for safe travel and quality time spent with family and friends this past month, we are truly grateful for all the blessings the Lord give us
Praise for our schools in JC and Rock Sound and the impact that the training is making
Praise for family and the blessing of having one another to love and lean on

Pray for the present course in St. Martin and for safety while I'm away, both for Emily and Micah and myself
Pray for CMA with a fund-raising banquet this coming month, finances are always a pressing concern while we do our best to trust in the Lord for provision
Pray for our students as they are continually challenged in their progress of understanding who God is and how to live out their faith


Thank you for all your love and support; we are truly "thankful" to our great God who has given us such a wonderful support structure. Blessings to you and your family in this upcoming month. To find out more about support CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah Flunker