With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



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to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our friends and their challenges in life

Pray for us as we look towards the mission front at Freeport

Pray for us as we begin the process of raising support

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the work of the ministry

Pray for Mono, my Bahamian friend who needs wisdom and guidance

Pray for Emily as she copes with carrying a baby for 9 months

Pray for CMA, and guidance as our leaders seek the Lord's leading

The continued training of Bahamian students on the island of Spanish Wells

The Return of Christ



10.29.07 - Jesus in Prime Time

What is media’s responsibility and influence in cultural Christianity? This is the topic of the most recent DTS CCL conference. The guys and gals that plan these events put together a great line up of speakers with pastors, teachers, and theologians such as Darrell Bock, Dan Wallace, Ben Witherington, and Erwin Lutzer.

The conference focused around the two major questions of: what are the breakdowns in Christian transmission within our culture and what can Evangelicals do about it? It was identified that our culture today is Biblically illiterate and church leaders have catered to our user-friendly culture to create discipleship-lite (taste great and less-filling). The appraisal of this Biblical illiteracy is seen originating from a pressure on pastors to dumb things down in trying to give what the culture can digest, inadvertently resulting in a church which doesn’t look or act much different than the culture.

Media was shown as not always living up to its expectations. As a business, the media should be called to reveal a fair assessment of the world’s events and beliefs – however an honest confession from any journalist will reveal that everyone has biases, and the news is never entirely “fair or balanced.”

Ultimately, rather than simply showing viewers the “conversation,” media has been highly influential to shape the “conversation.” In addition to this contribution of influence that media produces, there is pressure upon those behind the screens to, for the sake of ratings, produce “exclamation” rather than “exposition.” Thus, the challenge is to get the “true” info out there, not the “noisy” info.

Peggy Wehmeyer-Woods, a former correspondent for ABC News, challenged the attendees to begin training smart, talented, and informed individuals as “missionaries” to go into the message producing networks, cable, internet, and radio media distributors. The calling is to produce both quality information, interviews and media content, and professional individuals to penetrate the conglomerates with a confession of correct orthodoxy that drives an honest assessment of what media reveals in terms of correct religious perspectives, not ratings motivated religious stereotypes.


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