You will see many pictures taken by the artistic hand of Matt Soules, this is one just outside Harbor Island
This is a great one Matt took from Spanish Wells |

I actually snapped this one with Matt's camera from the deck of Coral Sands, Harbor Island

Emily and I at the Training Center |

Emily and our good friend Tammy Weinburger |

Painting the goals |

Great shot by Matt from Harbor Island |

The shores of the Eleuthera Bible Training Center |

If you look back to Eleuthera Summer 2002, you'll see me digging the holes for these trees |

Emily and Tammy's little girl Wadania |

Me and Matt Soules |

This one's a gimme |

Me driving the bus for our Cedarville team |

Night shot of the field in James Cistern, just outside the school |

One of my favorites of Paul and Lisa - Christmas 03 |

Tammy and Emily |

Karis Rutherford and I, the daughter of missionaries Patrick and Mona Lisa Rutherford |

Our team spent the night before Christmas caroling throughout the settlement - it was a lot of fun! |

Our Cedarville team shot in front of the EBTC sign |

Courtesy of Matt Soules artistic work, our team logo |

Emily and I outside the Training Center |

From one of our school assemblies, everyone is so friendly |

The finished basketball court... finally! |

Stephanie is pitching, Matt is hitting, and Wade is catching |