A full house at the graduation |
 Paul Voss and Eddie and Michelle Rasnake |
 The graduates singing |
 Carol speaking for the student address |

Ron Stokes and a shot of the side |

Here are all the students after they received their certificates |

Emily and I at the graduation |

A shot from the front |

Cyril Saunders

Eddie Rasnake

Brad Fox

Paul Voss

Check out how colorful the settlements are

Emily and I with the Weinburger kids: Uncle Ryan and Auntie Em

Emily by the tree at Palmetto Point

This is our new prayer card picture

Emily and the kids from Palmetto Point |

Emily serving drinks at the graduation

The little league game at Palmetto Point

Church picture with the girls

We really need new goals

Flowers from Point

Ryan and Emily Flunker with Brad and Alicia Fox

Frankie all dressed up

One of the noisy nighttime visitors

From the road

Here's a long shot of the center

I think this is the Navy Beach

Check out this picture: somethings wrong

Charlie is our Hatian worker - he's just the best

Me and Charile catching up

I got to put together the cabinets - good times

Our newly painted sign

Birds eye view of Hatchet Bay

Here's the inside of the new house on the hill - it sure has come a long way huh

The road up the hill was recently paved - so much for the good old days of slipping and sliding

Em and I at the little league game: JC vs. Point |

Harry and I - remember to pray for him

The house on the hill with its new deck

And from the side

Wade hard at work

Here is me and Horatio after the graduation

The view from the deck - nice

Mono and I catching up on life

Me and Jared

I thought this was a cool shot

Lunch break at Billy's

Brenda and Billy at work

We went to the Liberty Church on Sunday

They did a great job singing

We got to hear Wade preach - click here to listen

Wade worked up a sweat preaching - he did great

Check out some of their advertizing


They need a little help on maintenience

Check out this friendly visitor

Wade and Tammy's place - they had us over for lunch

The tree at Palmetto Point

Emily and Tammy after graduation

Very colorful