September 30, 2008
I have given up food. I ate a few crackers today, that's all. And I'm still not feeling good! If don't get better soon I'll probably go to the doctor, but that is not my favorite thing here! Tonight I had Bible Study though with the girls and it went well until the end when I didn't feel good again. Ryan taught a class tonight too. I'm going to bed to pray that I feel better soon.
- Emily
September 29, 2008
So today Micah sat by himself for the first time for more than a second! He sat for about 2 minutes by himself! He's such a wonderful little boy!
I'm still sick. I didn't do a whole lot today either. I tried to eat noodles, and a smoothy, but I shouldn't have....
- Emily
September 28, 2008
Micah slept for 9 hours straight last night! Hooray!
So yesterday and today I have been sick, so we didn't go to church today and this weekend we have pretty much done nothing. Ryan is taking good care of me. I have food poisoning, or some bug or something, I don't know. I think I will not eat anymore....
- Emily
September 27, 2008
Today Ryan and I both didn't feel good and we spent the whole day resting and sleeping, a lot! We're feeling a little better but are hoping to get to bed early tonight and get a good night's sleep.
Micah slept a lot today too, which was great for us as we were sick.
Yesterday I read in the school again and Ryan taught the classes at the training center. It was a really good week! We feel like we're finally getting into the ministry that we have been longing for here for years. The Lord has really blessed us!
Tonight is my Uncle Mike's Birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!
- Emily
September 25, 2008
Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, and I got to talk to him late last night. Happy Birthday Dad!
Last night Micah slept well, only waking up at 2:30, but then we woke up at 7 thismorning and didn't go back to sleep. So it was an early morning for me. I gave up on him going back to sleep eventually and cleaned a little. This afternoon we went to lunch with a dear friend who is visiting from Nassau. He and his family moved from Eleuthera a few years ago and we miss them a lot! It was good to see him!
Tonight Ryan taught more in a class, and Brad finished off the evening class. Alicia and I stayed up at our house watching the babies. I took some cute pictures of Micah today too in some cute hats! He wasn't too fond of the hats, but I had fun!
I am very tired and am going to bed now!
- Emily
September 24, 2008
Did I write a journal yesterday? I don't remember, but if I didn't, yesterday was Micah's 5 month birthday! Hooray!
He's so wonderful!
Today was a great day! This morning Ryan went to a school where our friend Wade did the chapel lesson. Ryan is doing it next time so he was learning. And this afternoon I went to the Primary school in our settlement and read stories to the kids. It was very fun! I am going to start volunteering a few times a week there helping out. I'm very excited!
Tonight was the first time Ryan got to teach in the training and he did a great job! I actually got to sit in the class tonight too, and I got to meet the students. It was a great night. The students are hungry for the Word of God, and it was very refreshing! This is why we're here!!!! The Lord is working in a big way! It's exciting!
- Emily
September 22, 2008
Tonight classes started at the Bible Training Center. Our friend Brad taught today's class. Ryan said it went very well.
I watched Micah and little Tristan and Evelyn tonight while Alicia went to the classes. It was fun. Evelyn is so little, it reminded me of when Micah was that little and made me want another baby =)
Tomorrow is Micah's 5 month birthday!
- Emily
September 21, 2008
Today is my mom and dad's 40th anniversary! Happy Anniversary! It was fun to talk to them tonight. I miss my family very much!
Micah slept a little better last night. I gave him rice in his bottle and I think that helped. Today we rested, which was so nice. And we found out that there is a papaya tree at the training center so we got one today and made smoothies from it! It was the first time I had ever had a papaya and it was yummy! Ryan was a little hesitant to try it but liked it, a little.
Tomorrow the classes begin so our schedule will change again. I'm excited for Ryan to teach!
- Emily
September 19, 2008
Today is Ryan's sister's birthday! Happy Birthday Kari!
Today was a busy day for us! We went into the settlement today and visited with some people at the cork tree, which is like a paviallion where people sit all day. Then I went to the store and came home and started dinner. We had 9 people for dinner tonight. Our friends the Weinburgers and our friend visiting, Scott, came for dinner and then we had so much fun playing the Wii! It was a good day! But it's late now! Past our bed time!
- Emily
September 18, 2008
I started feeding Micah baby food three times a day today in hopes that if his belly gets full during the day he won't need to eat as much as night. We'll see how it works.
I haven't written journals in a few days, so here's a recap...
Tuesday Bible study with the girls went well. We're studying love, and I did an overview of the three types of love. Yesterday I went over to Alicia's to hang out for while and talk, and today I stayed around the house and organized a little more and took care of the baby.
Sometimes when we're watching TV Ryan and I miss American food a lot, but tonight we had lobster that a friends speared for us today, and it rivaled Red Lobster! It was fun to cook lobster for the first time!
- Emily
Septmeber 15, 2008
So last night Micah had a hard night. He woke up about every hour, and he refused to breastfeed so I had to make him bottles in the middle of the night. We ar thinking that maybe he's teething. He cried a lot all night and Ryan and I had a rough time taking care of the poor little one. He did better today, but we'll see how tonight goes. We went on a walk tonight after dinner and there were sooooo many mosquitos! We had to put a net over Micah so he wouldn't get any, but Ryan and I got bit a lot. Ryan spent the day cleaning the Bible Training Center. We learned a long time ago that minstry is 90% behind the scenes stuff like cleaning.
The sunset was beautiful though on our walk! It was a nice family time for us! We thought back to when we were just interns and we would take walks in the monring, and God would give us pink clouds to look at. Tonight there were pink clouds again! God is so very good to us!
- Emily
September 14, 2008
Today we went to Spanish Wells for church, which is another island in North Eleuthera. We took a little boat to get there and we stayed there most of the day and ate lunch with our friends from there. We haven't been to Spanish Wells since we've been back so it was fun to see our friends again. They just finished a class for the Bible Training Center there this year. We got to see a lot of the graduates today.
- Emily
Septmeber 13, 2008
This morning we slept in. MIcah is still having trouble sleeping,a nd every morning he wan'ts to come in bed with us and won't stop crying until he gets to. We're not sure what we're going to do about that. We washed our cars today and we went fishing across the street. It was too windy to catch anything, but we had fun.
- Emily
Sept 12, 2008
Today was a big day for Micah! He finally reached his foot into his mouth! Hooray! So now he is sucking his feet all the time! Also, he was in a walker today and he finally walked in it! I cried! I was so proud! Ryan had the opposite affect though and said he didn’t know what he was doing so it didn’t count, but I was still beaming proud! We went over to dinner tonight to our friends and a guy that’s here visiting had caught lobster and come fish so they cooked it up for dinner, and it was soooo good!
Other than that today I just worked on the baby room and praised the Lord that there were less bugs today.
- Emily
September 11, 2008
Tonight Ryan gave Bitty and bath and fed him before bed. My favorite time of day is giving Micah a bath, but today I was talking to my family, which was very fun! I talked with my family in Ohio and my aunt and uncle in North Carolina at the same time. It was almost like we were all together! What did people do before the internet?
Big news of the day….I got my hair cut! It’s so hot here and there’s like 90% humidity, so I’m constantly sweating and my hair frizzes right away and it’s never straight even with a straightener, and Bitty pulls handfuls out at a time, so having it shorter is so great!
- Emily
September 10, 2008
So I went to the grocery store today and the boat didn’t bring any dairy or veggies. So there was no milk on the island, and I had to get frozen veggies. Here when the boat doesn’t come or doesn’t bring food, you have to do without.
This morning, again, I spent my time sweeping up hundreds of bugs off the floor. I am awaiting the day, hopefully soon, when the bugs are gone.
So Micah has been sleeping bad this week. He wakes up every two hours and wants to eat, and it’s wearing me out, and Ryan too.
Our friends Brad and Alicia and their two kids came over for dinner tonight, It was fun to have two babies! And Tristan is almost two. We made dinner together and had a fun time of fellowship!
- Emily
September 9, 2008
So today was a great day, but there are hundreds of little flying bugs in our house! It's so annoying! I am beginning to understand how the Egyptians felt in the Old Testement in the plagues! This morning I swept up tons of them, and there are all new ones now. They congergate outside our door and enter whenever we open it!
Tonight Bible Study with the girls went well! We made smoothies and talked about what we want to study this Fall.
Micah didn't sleep well last night at all! The longest he slept at a time was 2 1/2 hours. It was a long night! We are still working on a schedule. We are pryaing that he can sleep through the night again soon!
- Emily
September 8, 2008
Today I spent the whole day at home cleaning and organizing, and trying to keep Micah on somewhat of a schedule. It was a good day. Micah's laugh is one of my favorite sounds ever! It's so fun to make him laugh! He's so wonderful!
- Emily
September 7, 2008
Church today was wonderful! Little Wade played the trumpet and the fellowship time was so great! In the States in fellowship time in church you turn to the person next to you and shake their hands, here, you hug everyone, and dance to the music. It reminded Ryan and I of what we think heaven might be like. We also spent a lot of time in church praying for the islands in the southern Bahamas that were gettting hit by Hurricane Ike. It's a bad storm, and we were very blessed that the Lord steered it another way, but we are pryaing for those in it's path!
- Emily
September 6, 2008
Today we went on an adventure! It was very fun! Our adventures are going to places on the island where we've never been. Today we drove down by Hidden Beach, but the waves were still soooo high we couldn't even go down on the beach. We also went out to James Point, and there were dork fish right in the shallows of the shorelines! I'm not sure what dork fish are really called, Ryan and I just call them that. They are funny looking, and our favorite fish! It was fun to see them in the wild. Ryan tried to fish too for them, but with no luck. He did however catch a yellow-tail by our house. It was a fun adventure day! Micah was sooooo sleepy when we got back!
- Emily
September 5, 2008
The winds went strong all night, and it's still a little windy today. Despite the leftover wind it's actaully a beauitful day today! We washed the salt off of our cars and cleaned up the outside. We're praying that Hurricane Ike doesn't come our way now!
The storm didn't cause any significant damage on the island (Praise the Lord!) We're glad it's over, and we're awaiting the power to return!
- Emily
September 4, 2008
Today is a scary day! Tropical Storm Hannah is over us right now, and we are without power and the winds are very strong. Earlier when they weren't too bad we went outside and took pictures, and Ryan climbed on the roof for some videos and pictures. I thought he would get blown away! It was scary! The Lord has taken good care of us so far!
Today is also Ryan's dad's birthday! This probably won't be able to go on our website for a while, but Happy Birthday Dad!
- Emily
September 3, 2008
So I spent most of the day today cleaning. MIcah is getting into a little more of s schedule, which is nice. And, there was a rainbow right outside our bedroom window today - so beautiful!
Rainbows are amazing! I love how they are a reminder of the Lord's faithfullness. It's especially good to remember now with the hurricanes headed our way. The sea is a little more choppy today and the winds are picking up. And the Lord is still faithful.
I am trying to write this with a crying baby on my lap.... not easy!!!!
- Emily
September 2, 2008
Wow! It's Septeber already! Crazy! So I found out today that a lot of Bahamians put up Christmas trees in October! I'm all about doing what the people here do, but I think that tradition is going to have to not be in our family. I love Fall! And even if there really is no fall here, and they don't celebrate Thanksgiving, we will!
So there are three hurricanes coming our way, and the last few days have been filled with preparations. Ryan has spent a lot of time boarding up our house, the training center, and lots of other places around the community to help people out. We have lots of water and food, and generator. We are hoping that the people of God are praying for us right now! It's a little scary this being our first hurricane, with two right behind it! We know the Lord will take care of us though.
I have had some good time to spend with my friend Alicia the last week too, and I'm working on getting Micah on a schedule so he sleeps through the night. I haven't had too much luck with the schedule, but maye someday it'll get there.
Today was a pretty day, and the sea is calm as can be, but if you look on the other side of the island at the ocean there are huge waves.
So Micah was in his intellitainer today and he was doing so well being quiet, so well that I got to watch a tiny bit of TV, but about 5 minutes passed and I looked over to find that he had pooped, and it went out his diaper onto the floor and he was happily sliding around in it with his feet. He was having so much fun sliding in his poop! It was funny! Of course then I had to give him a bath and then he thought that because he had a bath it was bedtime, so he's been sleeping for most of the evening. I have a feeling it'll be a long night......=) He's so wonderful!
- Emily
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