Graduation and Appreciation

Another class has come and gone through the halls of WHS. This years graduation will be our last and that makes it special, but it is also special because we’ve seen some of these seniors grow and mature over the past 5 years.

As always this graduation was filled with moving speeches that displayed the ability and future potential of our students. The keynote speaker was Rev. Knowles from Harbour Island Methodist Chruch. He gave a stirring motivation to the children to find their value even if they come from difficult circumstances.

I was surprised to receive an honorary certificate of appreciation from the President of WHS, Dr. Gibson. As we are leaving the island to care for my parents, he recognized our contribution to the school for the past 5 years and outlined a few of the “hat” I’ve worn over my time of service here: Vice Principal, Campus Coordinator, Science Teacher, Book Keeper, Basketball Coach, and most notably Administrator for the Windermere Bible College. The recognition caught me off guard, and I believe I stumbled through my words of appreciation to him and Ms. Gibson for the opportunity to serve.

After receiving my certificate, I got my final opportunity to address the graduates with the ceremony’s closing remarks. I told the graduates that even though they’d received their diplomas, this was my last lesson so “sit up straight and pay attention” (they all fixed their posture!). My final challenge revolved around the illustration of refining gold and precious metals. Its been my observation that the challenge of Windermere is like a furnace to reveal what lies below the surface in our children. This 2016 class used to have 14 students, but only 4 made it to graduation, and each of those 4 have revealed qualities below the surface that God instilled in them. Now that those gifts are revealed it is up to the individual to make good use of them. All WHS does is reveal them, discover them, but its up to the students to be all they can be. Dream small and you will reap small, dream big and even if you fail you will have developed character in the process. So, my final challenge to them was, when you face the decision between the easy way and the hard way in life, choose the hard way, and you will grow no matter what.

It was a great service and a fitting final note for our tenure at WHS. Next year’s 2017 class is the one that has been with me the longest, hopefully I can make it back for their graduation too.