Our home church for the main duration of our time as missionaries on Eleuthera was the Gospel Chapel in Palmetto Point. I can still remember back to the very first Sunday when we stood before the congregation and pledged to serve this local assembly out of all the various churches that we visited. As was the case in returning back this year, we found that it felt like only a matter of weeks since we were last worshipping together.
In some respects I’d report that nothing has changed, and this is for many churches a testament to God’s faithfulness as churches throughout the west experience declining attendance and involvement. But the Gospel Chapel continues with same faithfulness and stalwart commitment to the Word and to the assembling of the saints.
Of the noticeable changes to the church, they’ve installed new windows and a brand new welcome foyer at the churches entrance. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated for Christmas just as we remember it, and one of the youth has taken to the drum set during opening hymns and praise – and I’ll admit, he is pretty good!
While my primary ministry was across the water in Spanish Wells, I was eager to serve with my dear church family in Point. So on Wednesday nights we would make our way up the shore to worship with them in singing, prayer, and the Word. The primary content of our study together was about confronting the importance of the church “walking-the-walk” and preparing for the war that is happening around us all the time.
While many churches are turning a blind eye to the wiles of the world and embracing each new wind of change and “advancement” – the Gospel Chapel is holding firmly to the faith once passed down. My prayers for them are for continued blessings of God’s harvest fields as they seek to honor Him by remaining true to the Word and selflessly sacrificing their time and energy to serve one another and their community.