Each time we return to Eleuthera it is like going home! We are so thankful for the many relationship that God has allowed us to preserve throughout the years. Since 2016 we’ve been privileged to return to Eleuthera via Spanish Wells, and more specifically through our connection with the Spanish Wells Methodist Church.
It was years ago, when Micah was about 2 years old that we got connected with one of the leaders at the church, brother Phil. For the longest time, the church would invite in local and international preachers to fill the pulpit from Sunday to Sunday. Then a couple of years ago, a pastor who was friends with many in the church, raised on Spanish Wells, and served for years in the states, responded to God’s call to become the new minister at SWMC – Russell Brooks.
I was actually in our last visit that we helped move some of his belongings off the dock and into the manse where we were staying. But it was on this visit that I was able to meet this dear brother for the first time. It was such a blessing to see the providence and faithfulness of God in providing our SWMC church family with a full-time minister. And now we have the treasure of partnering with them as the Lord continues to provide both for the church and for the reunion of those relationships that we so enjoy.
There are so many other notable moments to catalogue from this trip. I was invited to sit in on a Men’s Group Bible Study that was made up of individuals from all three of the major churches on this island. These young men call themselves the “Mustard Seeds” and they lack much of the animus that has historically been resident (unintentionally for the most part) between denominations. They weekly center their gathering around God’s Word, and with simplicity and depth they walk with each other verse by verse to harvest the riches from studying scripture in community.
I also got to officiate a “beach wedding” from some folks who had originally set things up with Pastor Brooks. Unfortunately, he had to be called away back to the US for a couple of weeks, and I was more than happy to fill in. As we made our way to the shore at sunset, for the most beautiful of services… the happy couple was completely unaware that I grabbed the wrong set of notes in preparation for the wedding. Rather than bringing my wedding notebook, I brought my funeral notebook! But thank be to God, I was able to recite the vows and texts from memory. Sometimes a preacher is thankful for a short service!
I also got called upon as the IT speciality for the local Brethren Church, as they purchased all new equipment for their livestream broadcast. Despite my humble admissions, they still think I’m some kind of expert in installing these devices… I’m just dumb enough to jump in before looking! And I’m most happy to report that after weeks of troubleshooting, I finally got all the cameras to talk to the network correctly, with calibrated orientation, and all the proper ports for livestream! They truly think higher of me than anyone ever ought to!
One final moment to capture is the feeling of love and embrace that we receive from so many. We spent a day traveling south on Eleuthera and revisiting many of the old familiar spots, only to be surprised how much some things have changed. And yet, despite the changes, there were still warm embraces, grace-filled reunions, and undeserved gifts and expressions of kindness. Words cannot contain the joy that will forever bless our memories from our island friends.
While Micah and I were waiting at the airport (after a surprising delay), we heard a familiar voice in that Atlanta airport, “Pastor Flunker!?” Our dear friends Terry and Kathy Higgs were on the same flight with us, and we didn’t shy away from making an embarrassment of ourselves to hug them and reunite right there in the terminal. We pray that there will be many more moments of reunion and visit in the years to come!