Independence Week 2011 – by Emily

I love celebrating holidays! This week we had two! The forth of July is always a little sad for us here in Eleuthera because we long to be at cookouts and fireworks with family in the United States. It always makes us a little homesick. But we still celebrate here!

This year Micah and I made paper flags. Our real ones are still locked away in the container until we move into our new house, but the paper one we made was perhaps even more special!

Micah had fun gluing on stripes and sticking on stars! We had a team here this week too so we celebrated with fried chicken and french fries! And we even fired up the soft serve ice cream machine! We had a fun time celebrating!

The 10th of July is the Bahamian Independence Day, which is also very fun! They celebrate the whole weekend long! And on top of that, our settlement is having their homecoming this weekend, which is a week long celebration with all the Bahamian food you can eat and our music into the night and even bounce houses for Micah to jump in!

We went to Spanish Wells on the 10th and spent the day there fellowshipping with friends, and then that night we went to Governors Harbor at midnight for fireworks. This was the first time we had gone to the fireworks because they are so late, but we wanted Micah to see them. He loved them, and stayed awake just to see them. He was very excited!

We are so very thankful for the freedom the Lord has given us in our home countries! The freedom we have to openly worship the Lord is something we take for granted. We should be praying diligently for our brothers and sisters around the world who don’t share this freedom, and we should praise the Lord for the freedom we have each time we read our Bible, or go to church, or sing praise songsā€¦because we can.