March 12

March 26, 2012
Today when we were driving home from school Micah said “Mommy, my friend tried to color me brown today!” It made me laugh! His friend wanted him to be the same color as him!

Micah makes me laugh all the time! It’s funny, he when he plays pretend, he pretends that the power goes out. He has been playing house a lot this week. He pretends that certain parts of our house are his house, and all the time the power goes off! It’s funny!

This past weekend we got to go to Spanish Wells. We got to spend the weekend with Donald and Candy, and Ryan preached twice on Sunday. Donald and Candy are so hospitable! They had two big dinners with lots of friends, we had a GREAT time! Micah loved going to Sunday School and he loved playing with his friends there. We left encouraged and blessed!

March 20, 2012
Today started out great! For the first time, Micah kept his big boy undies dry all night!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! This is a great accomplishment! I am very proud of him! The rest of the day pretty much stunk! I had to take Micah to the doctor to get blood drawn for his school checkup for next year. It was awful! He cried and screamed and it was so sad! And, my nose has been running all day! And I have been sneezing all day, and Ryan hurt his back playing basketball yesterday. My plan is to go to bed early tonight and start over tomorrow.

As for the rest of the month before today, it has actually been great! Our friends Ryan and Melissa have been visiting for the last week, and we had a great time with them. They are new missionaries moving here Lord-willing this summer! Hooray! We will be very glad to serve here with them! The Lord has blessed us with a great staff and great friends here! We got to have another girls breakfast while Melissa was here, so that was fun! This time we were kid-free, except Levi, who is just such a great little baby! We have also turned in our paperwork to register Micah for school next year, at Tarpum Bay. I feel peace about our decision. He will get to be in a class with at least two of his friends, and I’m sure he will make plenty more! St. Patricks Day was fun, I made green pancakes in the shape of shamrocks for breakfast, which Micah loved! And Saturday afternoon we went to Sky Beach with the Yates and attempted to take Micah swimming, but he wouldn’t get all the way in because it was too cold. I did however meet some new people and had fun getting to know them and another lady that has a little boy too. It’s amazing how you can meet people and have great discussions about the Lord even when you are swimming! Micah fell off of his bed for the first time the other night, which was sad. He threw up after school Friday, but then he was better for the rest of the weekend. OUr cars both broke this week, so Ryan is in the process of fixing them. He fixed the brakes on the van, and now the air conditioner is broke, which would be fine if the window rolled down. We always say that Eleuthera is where cars some to die. It’s a good thing the Lord always takes great care of us and provides everything we need!

– Emily


March 10, 2012
March has been great so far too! We have had the best weather!!! It’s been cool and breezy! Actually, windy!

I took Sandy a few weeks ago to get here temporary drivers liscense, and I have been teaching her to drive. It’s been really fun! Micah is always scared though, which is funny! We are still doing a study on the power of words, and it’s such a great study! I love seeing the Lord work in her life!

March 3rd was Windermere’s annual Fair Day. It was a long day, but it was turned out great! Even Ryan had a fun time! Micah bounced in the bounce house pretty much the whole day. They had an auction, and lots of yummy food, and games, and a lot more, and the day ended with Junkanoo. The students did a great job running the booths. It was a good opportunity to teach them about interacting in a semi-work setting. We raised a lot of money, and the day was a success!

The next Monday we had the day off school. The fair pretty much took it out of all of us!

Micah has been struggling this week with trying to learn to get himself dressed. His problem is not that he can’t do it though, most of the time it’s that he doesn’t think he can, and he gives up before he even starts. He will lift up his shirt, start crying, drop it, and drop to the floor and cry. It’s not fun! We have been trying to teach him perseverance and patience. And we talk a lot about praying that Jesus will help him to be able to get himself dressed. When we were driving in the car the other day we were talking about it, and he said “but Mommy, how can Jesus help me when He is in Heaven?” This was a great question, and one that I instantly had to pray that the Lord would give me wisdom to know how to answer it in three year old terms. I think God gave me some good words though because we had a great conversation about Jesus and the gospel. I think he understands, and in his own little three year old way, he believes. I love talking to him about Jesus!

Another highlight of my month has been our girls breakfast our neighbor, Lisett’s house! She made me and another friend, Robin, a great breakfast last week and we got to enjoy the morning with each other! We had great conversations and it was really nice to spend some time with just the girls! I think we are going to make girls breakfasts more regular!

I have been drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar, garlic, and honey in the mornings, which is DISGUSTING by the way, and yesterday Micah took a drink out of a random cup and freaked out! HIs face was priceless! He just kept yelling “water, water, water! too spicy, too spicy!” Ryan and I were very confused. Then I looked at the nearby cup, and I smelled it, and sure enough, it had been my cup from the mixture. It was so funny! Poor Micah!

We took the 5th and 6th graders on a field trip yesterday to the Agricultural Fair in Governors. The kids had a great time. I tried cassava for the first time. I decided I need to try to cook it. And we all got some sugar cane. And everyone had fun watching the sheep and goats. It was fun to walk around and see all the crafts and fruits and veggies, and everything else. Eleuthera has so much to offer! It was a fun day getting to know the students more outside of the classroom. I like things like that, where I really get to talk to them about more than just school stuff. They are great kids! Micah’s class went to the fair too. It was fun to watch them! Micah looked so grown up. I was glad that he still ran to me and gave me a hug when he saw me though. But then after his hug he ran right back with his class.

– Emily
