New Missionaries – Ryan & Melissa Yates

We are excited to announce North Texas Missions newest missionaries, Ryan and Melissa Yates. We’ve known the Yates for years, and they have felt God’s call towards full-time missionary service for longer than we’ve known them! This past week they came to Windermere to get acclimated with their new positions as high school teachers.

It is an incredible blessing to have them serving alongside us here at the school, both professionally and personally. From the school’s standpoint, we are in desperate need of qualified Christian instructors. We’re looking for the right individuals who sense God’s calling towards equipping, disciplining, and educating children towards maturity in life and in the Lord. Our current teachers are literally maxed-out in their efforts and hardworking, and Ryan and Melissa have given us a “lift in our sails” as they are energetic about serving these children, and they do so with the right heart, knowing they’re working onto the Lord.

Personally, it is a blessing because we get to have members of our “home culture” here with us. There is a significant serenity to being with people where you can metaphorically let-your-hair-down and speak the same cultural language. While our many Bahamian relationships are meaningful and a blessing as well, there is an intangible peace that comes from being around members of your own culture. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with the Yates.

During their stay with us, they attended all our classes and got 1st-hand exposure to the nature of our Christian school setting, both with the administration and student-life. Both Ryan and Melissa commented on how excited they are to have the freedom to teach about God in the classroom without the familiar restrictions of political-correctness from the US. They also became good friends with Ms. Gibson, and on their way out they expressed how even though they only just met, they feel like they’re leaving as old-friends.

We also spent time with them simply enjoying one another’s company. There was one night where we sat outside for an hour just singing praise songs. Melissa and Emily sang a duet in church on Sunday and everyone was excited to meet the newest missionaries to Windermere. Of course there was the traditional dinner out at Sky Beach, but my favorite were all the dinners we spent with Ryan and Melissa around our table. Melissa cooked Tex-Mex one night, it was amazing. Then there was the night when the power went out for half the day. We ate in the dark and still had a great time!

It is truly a blessing to have the Lord answer our prayers for more workers in the field. Ryan and Melissa have the right character and love for the people of Eleuthera and students of Windermere. More than that they simply want to serve God with their lives, and we can see without the shadow of a doubt that He has been preparing them for Windermere and Windermere for them. Please pray with us that they can quickly raise the reminder of their monthly support to join us this summer. You can find our more information about the Yates from their website www.yatesmission.com.