Spring Spiritual Emphasis 2012

This term’s Spiritual Emphasis speaker is Pastor O’Neil Russell from Abundant Life Church in Nassau. He serves as the Youth Pastor there and has been learning the ropes for over a year now. He was also last year’s Spiritual Emphasis speaker, and the students were receptive to his return again this year.

Windermere is unique in that it offers the children a intentional opportunity to give consideration to their spiritual development. The speakers we bring in are Bahamian christian leaders who can give culturally relevant commentary and instruction. Not only that, but they model the Christian life and give our students an example to follow.

Pastor Russell is a young man, but he is wise beyond his years. His theme throughout the conference was “From the Heart,” as it was his intention to simply speak to the children both from scripture and from the heart. Topics included obedience to your parents, abiding in Christ, and responsible God-honoring relationships.

The role of speaker for Spiritual Emphasis is no small task. Each day he would speak 3 different messages. Then we have an activity time with all the dorm students followed by a devotional meeting in the evening as well. On top of all this he was invited to speak in the mornings to the staff. However, Pastor Russell’s youthful energy served him well as he completed all these responsibilities well.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with O’Neil (I feel like I can call him by his first name now, and Pastor Russell when I’d introduce him). We talked a length about the challenges of ministry and the adventure of seminary. He is currently working toward completing his M.Div. We also got to play basketball against the boys and he so reminded me of some of my seminary friends that I used to play basketball with – it was such a fun time (except for the fact that I hurt my back playing against those young trouble-makers)!

The students really respected Pastor Russell. Spiritual Emphasis week gives them a short break from their classes and we have games and more time for them to ask questions and engage in the topics of God. I had one student comment to me that he thought it was amazing how each time we have Spiritual Emphasis the speaker always touches on a topic that he is presently struggling with and that it feels like God is speaking directly to him during the conference. We are certainly thankful for Pastor Russell and for Windermere; for the time we have been given to give attention to our walk with the Lord.