Our Saviour’s Team

It was a small team, but sometimes the smallest are the best. For us it was special because not only was it the first team ever to come from this church, but it was my home church! Mom and Dad helped bring a team of 4 (small I know), over to Windermere for at total of 12 days filled with work and fun.

The best part was meeting (again) Steve and Rita who took the chance at coming on this last minute trip to a place they’ve never been before to serve instead of vacation. Steve is a hard worker, but the heavy construction isn’t his day job, however that didn’t stop him. He was on our mini-jackhammer sometimes the entire work day, chipping away, and when he wasn’t operating the power tools it was slugging around a mini-sledge and pounding rerod into rock.

Rita can certainly hold her own on the work site as well. She sometimes singlehandedly repurposed lumber from the pile to be used in carpentry, and she was the constant 3rd hand for any and every job. If you had a form wavering, there was Rita to steady it, if you had a 2×4 or plywood to cut, there was Rita holding it firm.

If I had two words to describe these folks it would be hardworking and dependable.

We had a great time with them, and not only on the job site – although they did get us towards our first step in our summer project of building our new shed. There were the beach days and early-birthdays and dinners that Emily knocked-out-of-the-park – we really enjoyed our time with them.

Micah was just in heaven. Between Papa and Meme, it had as much attention as he could handle and just about anything that grandma and grandpa could provide, he got! Meme made a giant batch of her famous cookies (she sometimes sends them to Micah in a box from home). Papa helped make Micah a brand new sandbox. There was wrestling, and hugs, and cuddling, and movies, and race cars, and choo choos, and presents and much more.

The contribution of this team is very important, and we so hope to see future teams from Our Saviours in the future on the heels of this one. However, we have a very ambitious plan for this summer and much of it is contingent on getting our foundation solid. This team put in the time, love, and attention to make sure we’re off to the right start.

I must saw however that my favorite part of a team from my home church is their accents. It was so nice to hear the “jeese,” “ya-ders” and “don’t cha know” and “cripes.” Just like home. The funniest saying actually came on the day they were leaving. On the way to the airport they stopped by the “Ocean Hole” and there’s a store nearby called “In Da Hole.” Well the team commentated on how that sign sounded like home (transposing “da” for “the”). Someone on the team said how “it sounded just like back in the U.P. (the short acronym for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan), in da hole.” Suddenly Micah started to crack up laughing, and no one could really figure out why. Most thought it was just Micah laughing at the funny accent, until he repeated what he “thought” he heard them say, “You pee in the hole!”