Windermere Banquet 2012

Every fall Windermere hold a fundraising banquet because the demands on a private school cannot fully be filled by student’s tuition. It also provides us the opportunity to incorporate the community and alumni with what’s happening at the school.

It generally takes some intense coordination to pull off the whole event. This year we enlisted the help of the 11th grade class to come and serve as servers for the banquet, and they did a fantastic job. The reason is because our 12th grade class, which normally serves, only has 2 students. Thus our 12th graders played a role in the service itself and the 11th grade wore the aprons and did a great job waiting tables and helping behind the scenes.

Actually at one point in the dinner Ryan and Melissa Yates said that it felt like we were at a restaurant. I had soft Kenny G Christmas music playing the background and the food was fantastic, it really did feel like a fancy restaurant with everyone dressed up and the sound of quite chatter in the background. Its hard to believe that only hours earlier these were classrooms filled with children.

Our math teacher Marlon did was in charge of the decorations and he did an amazing job transforming classroom #2 into a presentation stage with a bright banner for our banquet theme: “Charting the Course with Integrity for Excellence.”

Our keynote speaker was a good friend of mine, Ricardo Dean. He did a fantastic job recounting the charter of Windermere and how it stands out as an institution grounded on God’s principles to encourage and foster integrity. Our passage came from Hebrews 12:1 where the author states we will “run the race with perseverance.” This is our endeavor at Windermere. It is true that the school doesn’t have an overflow of income. Its true that there are 40 year old structures that are in need of upgrades and repair. Its true that we’re understaffed and many are working beyond their paychecks. Even so with all our challenges, we can see God’s hand of provision and purpose guiding Windermere’s path. We therefore recognizing these challenge are holding on to God and growing perseverance to keep at the task of leaning against godless culture and generational temptations to be His light illuminating the dark.