5.10.07 – Erica’s Wedding – by Emily

This weekend my roommate from college got married in West Virginia! I traveled there on Friday and was there for the weekend. The wedding was perfect! Friday was the big rehearsal day, and it was super busy with everyone getting in from out of town. I got there around 3. I flew into DC and then drove from there. I was a little nervous driving a rental car, but I returned it safely with no trouble.

Friday night the girls headed to a coffee shop for some bachelorette fun.

Saturday was the big day, and we got up and went to the church around 10. Erica was beautiful! And it was a beautiful day outside too! Perfect for a wedding! The wedding was at 2:00, and the reception was there at the church. Erica and Nathan sang a song which I loved in their wedding (they’re brave). They did a great job!

After the reception they headed off for their honeymoon and lots of relatives came back to the house I was staying at. So I got to know lots of Erica’s relatives. It was fun to get to talk to them. I left at 4:00 in the morning Sunday morning, and got to the car rental place just on time for it to open.

I wish I could say it was smooth sailing home, but actually it turned out to be quite an adventurous plane ride! We were in the air about 45 minutes, and the plane had been shaky, which I assumed was just turbulence. Well the pilot came on the said that they didn’t know what the shaking was and that it wasn’t safe to fly two more hours to Dallas because the shaking could make things come loose (just the thing you hope never to hear when you’re on an airplane!) So we flew back to DC. My question was, “What could be safe to fly for 45 minutes, but not safe to fly for 2 hours!?” Well, they “anticipated a normal landing” which probably meant, “don’t freak out.” We did make it safely back on the ground, but it was scary! I prayed A LOT, and rejoiced to have the wheels touch down on the land again. I wasn’t looking forward to flying again, but they did find us another flight and I am safe back in Dallas now. Praise the Lord!