The International Ladies Lunch Club – by Emily

This year the Lord has blessed me with three wonderful ladies to study God’s Word with. I call our group “The International Ladies Lunch Club” for a few reasons. Windermere, and life in general, is super busy! We found the only time we all had during our week, Thursday at lunch! All of us are moms of little kids, and we have had a great year studying about finding joy in everyday life.

One thing that I love is that even though we are the same in many ways, we are also different in many ways. Robin is from Canada, and Lisett is from Mexico. Both are married to Bahamian men. And Melissa and I are American. Our families come from four different cultures. This makes life really fun, and sometimes challenging. God is the same in every culture though! It’s fun to worship Him together. And I have had fun learning about the different cultures. Things like marriage and parenting are different in different cultures, but we all have lots to learn from each other.

I found this year that Thursday at lunchtime was a lighthouse in stormy weeks. I always left encouraged and blessed. We got to share blessings and struggles with each other, and we prayed each other through lots of things.

Last month we said goodbye to one of our ladies and sent her on her way to Mexico and Thailand to be a missionary there. We had a sweet time of prayer for her on the beach before she left, and we will continue to pray for her and miss her lots. Next year we have another girl coming to Windermere. I am praying that we can continue our lunchtime Bible studies next year. I will never take it for granted to have people in my life to share with, study God’s Word with, and grow with, struggle with, and minister with. There were times in my life that everyday I prayed for fellowship like this. If you have sisters in Christ who are these types of friends, praise the Lord! They are a blessing, and everyone doesn’t have friends like these!