“In his heart a man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9
This verse has undoubtedly become the key verse for our summer, and it was highlighted by our very first summer team as that which we must submit ourselves to when working in God’s fields. Although Golden Corner’s team plans were altered they were able to see that it was the Lord who was directing their steps.
To be fair, most of the team’s plans went above and beyond what they set out to do, however it was their annual basketball camp in the south part of the island that needed to be reconfigured. All their plans worked together for good, and moving the basketball camp to another settlement actually helped to prep the field for next week’s team and their basketball camp.
I had such a great time with Golden Corner Church. This church has been coming to the island for 15 years now, and they are very well versed in the nuances of the culture and familiarity of how things work on Eleuthera. They’ve been investing in Windermere for all of those years and their love for the school really shows. We are simply blessed to serve as missionaries during the time that they are part of the school’s story.
The whole summer is about classroom renovation, however there was another project that I knew only Golden Corner would be able to accomplish, which was the demolition and replacement of the girl’s dorm parent apartment roof and ceiling.
I had budgeted a day for demolition, a day for decking, and two days for roofing. In usual fashion, Golden Corner rose above and beyond my expectations for the week. Without skipping a beat, they tore off the old roof and decked it all in ONE DAY! Not only that, but by the end of their week, the new roof was finished and the boxing was completed, and the interior ceiling had been demolished and two rooms re-hung!
If this wasn’t enough – they also tackled the two largest classrooms for renovation. This task was accomplished by the teams tenacious women. After a full morning of Bible Club, they would come back to the school, no breaks, no lunch, but diving right in and painting, washing, cleaning, and repairing. Visibly, it is only the grace of God that allows this team to accomplish so much… and I haven’t even mentioned their evening ministry in Rock Sound and their morning devotion time at 6am!
It was so nice to see the familiar faces from Golden Corner Church, and we are blessed to call them our friends. I thank them for going above and beyond, and for many of them literally sacrificing their week to come and serve the Lord through serving the school. I’m already making plans for them for next year!!!