New Missionaries: the Turners

We are so thankful for our new dorm parents and missionaries, Aaron and Rachel Turner. They are children of our new Guidance Counselors from last year, and have decided to make the commitment to serving the Lord at Windermere High School.

Aaron has worked as a premiere music teacher at a few different schools back in the states. Not only that but he has helped to pioneer some of those school’s programs. We have been desiring a comprehensive music program at WHS and we’re looking for someway to have the school stand out from the other high schools. One of our ideas for Aaron is to initiate a proper marching band program, but finding the instruments is going to take the cooperation from all our supporting churches.

Rachel has stepped in as our replacement Spanish teacher after our last teacher returned to Mexico. Although she can’t quite compare to Usba whereas his first language was Spanish, Rachel is our resident expert as she has more Spanish speaking experience than anyone else on staff. Both Aaron and Rachel are adjusting well to life in the Bahamas and working through the challenges of ministering to Bahamian youth.

The Turners have a sweet little girl: Joelle. She is simply a joy and we have loved having a sweet little girl on campus to give us a break from all those little boys! Micah really enjoys Joelle, and he’s warming up to her in sharing his toys with her.

Aaron and Rachel have been such a blessing to us. They’ve joined our church and we sing with them on our praise team. One of my favorite things about them is that they’re from Wisconsin! Its a small matter, but sharing in common our love for the Northwoods is a welcomed joy when living in another culture.

We thank the Lord for our new friends and please keep them in your prayers as they continue to raise support and settle in to their role on campus. Rachel is also due with her second child in February, so keep them in your prayers for the logistics and care in the challenge of pregnancy on the mission field.