The School of Antioch Trip

The annual trip to Iowa was another blessing this year. The curriculum for our Bible College is filled with new concepts for many of our students. They are challenged to rethink their definitions for church leaders and the responsibly of the local church in the mission of God. The classes in Ames are taught by men who have been teaching through this curriculum for years, and their insight is very helpful.

One of the best parts of the conference is the interaction with the hundreds of other international schools and their leaders. I reconnected with many of those I met last year, and developed some new connections with seasoned leaders this year.

Our school here on Eleuthera is going very well, if only I could get all my students to complete their coursework on time! At the conference our instructor actually asked me to lead the class for half a session. I found it was only a shade more difficult than leading our normal classes here! The issues was around the interoperation of paragraph breaks throughout the book of Philippians. Of course when you’re in a room packed with 50 Bible scholars you will have a 100 different options on how the book should be divided!

The best part of the trip was reconnecting again with my old seminary mates and our troupe from last year’s conference. These are the guys in our network, and it is a privilege to be shoulder to shoulder next to them in the progress and advancement of the gospel. Along with reconnecting with them, I also spent considerable time praying and planning with our co-workers Mark and Marie Turner, who came down for the conference from Canada. We are sensing the leading of the Spirit to expand our school and we will continue to follow where the Lord leads.

Between the classes, the international interaction with church leaders, and reconnecting with my old pals, it was a wonderful trip. What a blessing that my continuing educational development is held in the midwest!