Micah Home in Wisconsin

It is important to me that Micah knows where he comes from along with his heritage. This was the first time that both he and I were away from Emily, however seizing the opportunity from the conference in Iowa we chose to let him stay with his grandparents in Wisconsin while I attended the conference.

For weeks leading up to the trip Micah was talking about how excited he was to stay by himself. He wanted to make cookies with Meme and have Papa teach him how to shoot a gun. For the few days that we were at home together we had a great time. It was amazing to me how much Micah loved the cold weather. It seemed all he wanted to do was play outside – and it was like 33 degrees out!

Once I was gone to the conference, Micah had a great time with grandma and grandpa. He played in the leaves… and by played I mean ran headlong into a giant pile. Dad called me one day and told me how he took Micah out to get a load of wood, and then a neighbor stopped by. Dad started talking with the man and the whole while, without even being asked, Micah filled up the whole truck bed with wood – all by himself. Pretty good for a 5 year old!

Another day Dad took Micah out on the tractor, but one of the best times was when dad took him out hunting. I think Micah had fun, but they didn’t see any deer and I’m pretty sure he got a little cold out there on the tree stand. Its awfully hard for me to imagine our little boy sitting still in a tree stand for an hour.

I had a great time at home too. I got to speak to our church and thank them for their support. I got to go out hunting with the boys too, although I’d only be shooting the deer with my camera. It was a great time home, and a wonderful experience to share some of my family’s traditions with my son. It is one of the greatest difficulties living over on the island in that its difficult to share the same experiences we had with our son, and I’m so thankful that he and I had the chance to explore the north woods, even if just for one week.