Miracle Number 2 – by Emily

God daily reminds me of His grace and mercy. I am constantly amazed at how be blesses us when we don’t deserve it.

For the last five years we have been praying and hoping and waiting for the Lord to give us another baby. Micah is such a huge blessing, and God had put the desire in our hearts to add more kids to our family. For some reason though, it didn’t happen. Some of those five years were hard, but the Lord taught us so much through the time and reminded us of His PERFECT timing day after day.

A few months ago, God in His grace, answered our prayer again, but this time He said “yes!” We found out on October 6th that I am pregnant! I feel like Hannah, or Sarah, having waited for so long and being overwhelmed with thankfulness watching the Lord answer a long awaited prayer! God is good!

The craziness started from that day. The next day I flew to Nassau to go to the doctor. It was too early to see the baby, but I was able to get some medicine that I needed. the day was long and crazy. Nassau is a scary place to drive in taxis! And the plane ride was scary too! It was stormy, and I flew in and out and around storms on the way back. I was tired and nauseous on the way back, and kinda upset that you couldn’t see a baby on the scan yet. That meant there could be a chance for an eptopic pregnancy still. But as the plane rose in the sky, God put a BEAUTIFUL rainbow right next to the plane. We were literally “somewhere over the rainbow!” It was another beautiful reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness. On the rocky flight home there were several rainbows, one was a double rainbow, and one made a full circle because we were over it! It was amazing! God held me close the whole ride home!

Because of the chance of the pregnancy being eptopic, the doctor told me to come right back if I was having any pain. Well, the next week I was having tons of pain for some reason. I called and they said to come right in. So, it was another flight to Nassau! They did another scan and everything looked good. No baby yet, but at least there was a sack. The doctor didn’t know though what was causing the pain. So I took it easy and eventually the pain got better after a few days.

I will be 12 weeks on December 3. I had a few appointments since then in Spanish Wells. They have been good. We got to see the baby finally, and yesterday the doctor even made a guess as to the gender! It’s too early to tell for sure, but he guessed. We’ll see!

This pregnancy has been rough for me. From about weeks 5-10 I was nauseous all day off and on. And I couldn’t eat anything! Every food made me feel sick to even think about eating it. Poor Ryan and Micah haven’t gotten very much to eat lately! I haven’t even been able to cook food. My consisted of mostly pretzels and ginger ale, and some noodles. I spent a lot of time gagging. I only through up once though. Starting in the middle of week 10 though I started to feel better. Now I am only nauseous for a while in the mornings. And I have more energy, which is nice. For a long time I would go to bed at 7 when Micah did! I do still cry everyday though! Most of the time I cry for no reason. There have been two times that I have tried to go to the grocery store, but I couldn’t be in the store because the sight of all the food made me sick, so I just sat outside in the car and cried. I always laugh at myself crying though. It’s so silly.

We told Micah soon after we found out so that he could tell our parents. He’s super excited, but wants it to be a boy because he says that boys can jump higher and run faster and like to climb trees. Ryan says he doesn’t want a girl, but deep down I think he wants one. He’s afraid he’ll love her too much!

Please be praying with us as we will be traveling a lot in the next few months. We are going to Wisconsin for Christmas, and I will have one doctor’s appointment there, and then I will be traveling to Ohio at the end of January for my 20 week appointment. Please also pray for peace throughout the pregnancy. Sometimes I find myself becoming fearful living on an island with no hospital and being pregnant. Pray that I fix my eyes on the Lord and enjoy the blessing He has given us! I will be returning to Ohio in April to finish out my pregnancy there. So another big request is that Ryan won’t miss the birth! My due date is June 17, and he will be flying there around June 5, so we are praying for an on time delivery!

We are so thankful! Even when I am not feeling good, I praise the Lord for the wonderful gift He has given us! We pray especially that the baby will bring honor and glory to the Lord all the days of it’s life!