Antioch School and Curriculum

We are now two years into our Bible College program called the School of Antioch. As has always been my experience in bible training on Eleuthera, we see the growth of illumination in the lives of our students. They’re learning terms and tenants of scripture that now moving from knowing definitions to practiced applications. Our core has remained unchanged in the past two years, and our students are faithfully paying their tuition and coming to class.

In following the Lord’s prompting we have decided to start a second school in Hatchet Bay, such that we are overlapping the 4 year program halfway through our existing school. Our new group of students is very excited about the training, and since the beginning of March they’ve been faithfully working towards their early goals in getting the program started and off the ground in Hatchet Bay. Even in the short time that we’ve been going through the lessons, one of our new students has decided to follow Jesus in baptism this past Easter.

Along with starting this new school, I’ve been given the opportunity to work in two other churches towards establishing a church government for their assembly. One of the churches is a new church in Palmetto Point whose leaders passed away unexpectedly last year. The other is a long established Methodist Church in Spanish Wells, that has been without a pastor for the past 12 years. Both congregations have been receptive to asking me to teach on the subject of church leadership. It is my goal to help them appoint a plurality of governing elders such that the church can function in decision making according to what scripture teaches.

Recently, I received a call from the church in Spanish Wells. After teaching through Leaders in the Antioch School Program for a full two months, one of the regular attenders has approached the church to inquire about becoming their first full-time Youth Pastor. As the church exuberantly received this servant into the new position my phone began to ring. Members from the church were enthusiastically recounting the happy news and they all made a point to tell me that his decision to enter leadership was directly from scripture’s teaching on leaders in the early church.

The church in Palmetto Point is also devouring the curriculum with gusto and our meeting have regularly been pushing 3 hours long. Their testimony is questioning, “how can we get more pastors to attend these sessions.” Needless to say I have been very encouraged with the reception of the Antioch school and its curriculum. As has been the case for over a year now, I’m taking my local church through their Small Group Bible Study on Wednesday nights.

So please continue to pray for me as 2014 has turned into quite the commitment for teaching church leaders on Eleuthera. My schedule goes as follows:
Sunday’s: Leaders – Palmetto Point
Monday’s: Antioch School – Windermere Bible College
Tuesday’s: Antioch School – Windermere Bible College North
Wednesday’s: Small Group Study – Gospel Chapel
Thursday’s: Leaders – Spanish Wells

This has been a sacrifice and intentional commitment to teaching 3 hours each night after working a full day at the High School, and I must give thanks to God for giving me Mark Turner as a co-teacher with me in the college classes. He and Marie are a huge encouragement.

May God continue to work in His church to establish it in Godly living and doctrine such that the leaders of His bride are walking in daily dependence on Him.