Taekwondo – by Emily

Our little Micah has a lot of energy! He is super fun, and he’s ALL boy! His new favorite thing since he turned 6 is Star Wars, along with his love of Legos. He loves playing Star Wars and turns every toy into a Light Saber somehow! We noticed his love for playing fighting, and thought that he would love Taekwondo, so since we have been back in the States for a few months, we put him in lessons!

We had a few goals for this; to help him develop more coordination, to help him to work hard to accomplish a specific goal, to learn that we learn things like martial arts for the purpose of being a peacemaker, and to help him to channel his energy into a good thing. We accomplish all of these goals! The main thing though was that we thought he would have fun, and in his words, it was AWESOME!

He loved going to class twice a week. He started out with a two week trial, after which he broke a board with his hand! It was a big deal for him! He did awesome! When he reached that goal he received his official white belt and a metal, and his official uniform with patches. He was super proud, and we were super proud of him too! From then on he worked hard to earn his yellow belt.

The yellow belt has been his goal for the last few months. He had to learn several routines. He came a long way as far as improving his coordination, doing jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, and other exercises. Finally, after a lot of hard work, he earned his yellow belt! He had a test of everything he had learned, and he broke a board this time with his elbow! He had to run super fast and jump up to break it! He did GREAT!

I was proud of the way he channeled his energy in class to work hard and show respect to his instructors. He would bow to show respect, and he took everything very seriously.

The school was called Kim’s College of Martial Arts, and it was a great place! They did great with the kids, and they put a big emphasis on family and friendship, and mostly peacemaking. They always had the kids hug their parents, which I loved. They had rules about how the kids were to obey and respect their parents and act good at home and use their manners.

I loved watching Micah have so much fun and work hard to accomplish a goal. I am a proud mommy for sure!