Windermere High School Christmas Program and Recognition Chapel

Seems each year the Christmas season just sneaks up on you. This year we as a staff were hustling to throw together, I mean carefully plan, the Christmas program. Each grade took on a portion of the program with their various songs, skits, and scripture readings.

Even with very little preparation, each class did a fantastic job. Some of them even stood out with impressive presentations. Ms. Parks with her Grade 8 girls did an amazing dance, as well as did Ms. Alleyen’s Dance Club girls. Ms. Barr rocked the program with her Glee Club’s performance of “Lean on Me.” One moment I will never forget was watching Kennedy Rolle do an interpretative dance along with the other girls in his class. He was little too flamboyant for my taste, but it was done in good fun, and to his credit he nailed the moves!

One takeaway from the entire program was the children’s unintentional yet central message of the Christ-child for Christmas. Sometimes I can be too cynical as I listen to the student talk about their weekend wastes-of-time activities and I read the lyrics to the rap music that they listen to. Even with all the distractions and wickedness they face in the world, they still recognize the meaning of Christmas. Whether that is lived out in their live is another questions, but I suspect its like most of us, as an ongoing process of God’s work in our lives.

Please continue to pray for the students as they grow up in this evil generation and routinely hear the gospel here at Windermere.

Our second event was our semester recognition chapel. We have the majority of our children on the honor roll here at school, and we are very proud of them for that. In addition to the academic honors, we recognized our 10th Grade winners of the recent History and Research Fair.

The Fair was very impressive, with some outstanding displays and presentations – some including taste tests and many with elaborate poster boards and even some interactive features with ancient weapons.

As we wind down the year, we are grateful to our Lord for His work in the lives of our students. Please continue to pray with us for their salvation and maturity in the Lord.