The Torch of Ministry

While the task of the missionary is to bring Christ and His blessings where they are not, I have found that it is of utmost importance to recognize the tradition of ministry and experience already present on our island.

There is a host of saints, past and present, that have been making the kingdom of God known on Eleuthera for years. These individuals will receive their eternal rewards someday, but recently our church had the privilege of recognizing one of these faithful servants. Our sister Valerie at our local brethren assembly was awarded what could be understood as a “lifetime achievement award” from the mother congregation in Nassau. Although she could’t make the ceremony in Nassau, we presented her with the trophy and plaque at our service on Sunday. She has served faithfully for over 60 years and has occupied a myriad of offices and positions over the years, most recent of which is serving as one of our service contributors through special selections.

Routinely in the spring we receive a visitor to the island from Canada, Dave and Hellen Reimer. Each year they come down to visit family and invest in the school. I don’t know exactly how old Dave is, but I can tell you that he is my hero. Each day he works as the Lord strengthens his knees to serve as our resident handyman. He fixes all the doors and windows and does the jobs that no one else will do. He and Hellen are an immense encouragement and I often think he embodies the spirit of Christ more than anyone else I know. I’m sure he’d deny the accolade in humility, but I frequently look to his example as a benchmark for serving our Lord.

There are numerous others, beyond the few pictures I’ve recently taken, who have served our Lord faithfully her on the island for decades, from Pastor Garth at our church and Dr. Phil in Spanish Wells. Men and women have been carrying the torch of ministry and dutifully and loving serving our Lord long before we missionaries arrived.

It is our privilege to stand alongside them, to learn from them, and to partner with them in our effort to make Christ known, and establish and equip the church on Eleuthera.